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Just a vent for frustration


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Hey everyone I just need a place to vent some frustrations. I just moved to N.Dakota, got my own place, started a new job, and now have no car. My Z's harmonic balancer went out a week before I moved and earlier today the transmission in my family car(1999 Chrysler T&C) took a crap. Back in Cali I could have called my mechanic and had it fixed tomorrow, here, nothing opens on Sunday except Walmart and resturants. Not that either of them would do me any good without a running vehicle.

I would dearly love to blame all these problems on this stupid state but I really had nothing going for me in Cali so that's a moot point. I am just at a loss for what to do. Flat broke, no car, frikkin cold weather, and no idea how I'm gonna get to work on Monday.

I know that this probably doesn't matter to anyone, especially since no one knows me here, but I just needed to get this off my chest.


See ya,


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Life is tough, Imangine having no Penis or a recent loss of it.. Then you have something to bitch about.


Paradigm shift; I'm not much different in my own depressional state at times, but I too need to listen to my own advice. It could be worse.


Mentally, I plan for the worst. If it's better than that I'm happy.


Best of luck w/ your Z. I'd help you in heartbeat if I could. What year Z do you have?


No offense intended in anything I've said. Sometmes other peoples problems help you realize how good you have it. :)

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Hey, I'd gladly trade you. Just this week my father (at the ripe old age of 45) found out that his retroperitoneal liposarcoma (very rare cancer) has recurred locally in 4 new tumors that are entirely inoperable because of their attachment to all of his surrounding internal organs. Four months ago he had a tumor the size of a volleyball removed. Two months ago a CT scan showed nothing, and a CT scan from last Friday showed one of the new tumors was already the size of a softball and they are all growing rapidly. They have displaced his stomach so much that he hasn't had anything more significant to eat than pear cups, jello and Ensure shakes all week. He's currently 40 minutes away recieving chemothrapy treatment as it is the only option left to him and it may or may not work.

Like I said, I would happily trade you and move up to the cold, be unemployed and bum a ride to work instead of what I got dealt this week.

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Damn^^^I typed it up then my PS3 didn't let me send it!


1 I feel bad for people when i hear things like that,but then it makes me appreciate what I have more.


2 If I had a real problem or knew anyone who did (Thank god everyones ok) I would bring them some pot brownies or pot tea,I know not everyone likes feeling stoned but if they wanted them I wouldn't think twice,I'd bring some brownies.


What do you all think?

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Hey, I'd gladly trade you. Just this week my father (at the ripe old age of 45) found out that his retroperitoneal liposarcoma (very rare cancer) has recurred locally in 4 new tumors that are entirely inoperable because of their attachment to all of his surrounding internal organs. Four months ago he had a tumor the size of a volleyball removed. Two months ago a CT scan showed nothing, and a CT scan from last Friday showed one of the new tumors was already the size of a softball and they are all growing rapidly. They have displaced his stomach so much that he hasn't had anything more significant to eat than pear cups, jello and Ensure shakes all week. He's currently 40 minutes away recieving chemothrapy treatment as it is the only option left to him and it may or may not work.

Like I said, I would happily trade you and move up to the cold, be unemployed and bum a ride to work instead of what I got dealt this week.


I'll keep your father in my prayers.

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Thanks everyone, that was a bit of a reality check. I know that there's always someone out there who's worse off than I am, it's just hard to keep that perspective sometimes. It would probably help if my wife would listen instead of talking nonstop sometime.

I'm sorry about your pops Blue, I hope the best for your whole family.

Again, thanks everyone.




Oh by the way, I have a 79 280zx(S130) in various shades of rust red(original color) and walmart spray paint black(my semi professional work)

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Today is my oldest daughters birthday, 6 years old, and she insisted on pink poodle.


Needless to say my house is all done up in PINK!!

To top it off there will be 12 girls in my house plus my wife, both my daughters and moms.


The estrogen will probably be thick enough to cut with a knife.

I will have to stay close to my son (3) in order to centralize our testosterone!!


Ohh boy.

(just a little levity)


PS prayers to your father, blue.

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Yikes woldson, sounds like you and the boy might need to barricade yourselves inside the garage and occasionally spin some ratchets to keep touch with reality.


I realize that my story is bad, but i also realize that it's not the worst thing that has happened to anyone either. I appreciate all the offers of prayers as that is all we have done this week and at least schedules have opened up among doctors and he is receiving treatment now rather than next week or later. We'll all stay optimistic over here. Plus, my father is a transmission mechanic of 20+ years, and owned a Volkswagen shop in So. Cal before that, and this is definitely not the time for me to inherit all of his tools. That's got to wait until he's an old gray hair. I've still got a lot to learn from him.


Oh, ckolander, have you made friends with the neighbors yet to get a ride?:mrgreen: I'm sure you'll find some way to make things work.

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Hope everyone sticks with it and just gives it their all to make it through. Life has ups and down you just have to wait awhile till it goes back up...


And as stated, dont miss your first day of work. And dont get any payday advances.... sometimes it works sometimes it doesnt.


Good luck everyone.

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