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Unique view inside North Korea


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This guy (Shane Smith) was very determined to get into North Korea and see what it's really like over there... After many trials he ended up flying to China and bribed a North Korean customs agent for a visa into the communist nation. He posted 14 mini-films from his trip here:


Vice Guide to North Korea


Cross posted from an aviation forum I'm on. Just started watching the first vid, but it looks very interesting. Thought others might be interested as well.


I know this is very borderline political, so I understand if this ends up in the 'shed.

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Just finished all the clips. WOW!!! Those guys had an experience!


I lived in Moscow for 4 years in the late 90's, and the Metro really reminded me of the one in Moscow. Besides being really, really fancy, they are also VERY deep underground. The escalators keep going and going and going . . . and they are quite fast too.

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Yeah I just finished all the clips as well. Just fascinating really. I thought the guy's perspective on it all was interesting, but he kept up bringing up the food, and I wonder if he realizes that most of the people, including his guards and tour guides probably dont ever get to eat that much. That was my only thing with him.


I think the most interesting part of it was when they asked that man at the DMZ about the reunification. Just shows how much brainwashing really goes on. What a unique experience.

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I watched all of these a few months ago. Pretty amazing stuff. Crazy stuff at the mass games, then the end with him singing Sex Pistols and everyone thinking he's just some drunk American. Incredible.

Has anyone else here seen the recent 'photos' of Kim Jong Il where they 'shopped him into different backgrounds so they could say he's doing well and not bedridden in a hospital?

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If you guys enjoyed this, watch A State Of Mind. It's a documentary 2 british guys did on 2 girls who are training for the mass games. The North Korean government thought it would be good press to let them film, but I guess that shows how disconnected they are from reality.


It's horrifying, but that doesn't make it less interesting.

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