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Well I survived the hospital. :)


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Well I'm home finally. I went in on Monday morning and had my kidney removed. I actually got home yesterday around 5pm or so but didn't get on to a compute as I just was more interested in being home and relaxing.

Its been a pretty fast week for me all in all time actually flew by pretty good.


Surgury went well they told me, nothing unexpected and they were able to take the kidney out lathropscopically (or however that's spelt) so I only have 4 small incisions in my abdomin. In all seriousness it wasn't nearly as painful as I was expecting so far. I guess I set myself up for the worst but its not THAT bad all in all. I should have been home on Thursday but the perkicet (sp?) didn't agree with my stomach and caused vomiting. Now THAT was probably the most pain I've been in so far believe it or not. I'm now just on oxycodon ir and it seems to be doing the job without any side effects. They just wanted to monitor me for a day to make sure everything was ok. I'm up and walking around on my own already with little to no pain and eating a bit, nothing solid yet but pudding, apple sauce and soups. Baby steps for now.


I'm glad to be out of the hospital thats for sure. I'm expecting to be off the meds and back to 'normal' by the new year. I can't drive while I'm on these meds obviously so I won't be out and about much till then nor will I be working on the Z.


Z ya around and thanks for the past advice/life stories it helped a lot.



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Glad you are out too, sounds like quite a procedure!


I'm recovering from surgery too at the moment, lots of time reading hybridz and not a lot of time working on stuff unfortunately... wish I could do both!


Hope you have a speedy recovery, and if you are looking for something to do there are lots of great older threads here worth reading.

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Speedy recover to both of you guys. Best of luck.


Yep! :2thumbs: Guys, just let yourself heal before starting kickboxing again ;) Glad the surgery(s) went well. The pain medication side effects can be worse than the surgery itself as you found out :shock:



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