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Some of my new tools and equipment.


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Hey guys,

Well I'll tell you the story of how this happened. I came home from class and my roomate said an older lady stopped by and she said she tutors a 7 yr old boy who really likes cars and saw my 280 and 260 in the garage/driveway. I got in touch with her and agreed to have them over to show them my messy garage.

We talked for a while and she ended up telling me about her husband who is not able to stay at home anymore, and that he was a machinist and fabricator and had some tools, and asked if I wanted to take a look. I said " Well I highly doubt I can afford much right now being in college and the middle of an engine build" so she said, "Well my husband was a very giving and kind person and I'm sure he would love to help a Cal Poly student, so I'll just give you them"

So I saw sure, I'll check it out.... well to stop boring you guys... here's what I got... for FREE. (and we moved it all in on my birthday)


Drill Press


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Well aren't you living right!


Similar story.. Hurricane Andrew plows through Cutler Ridge. Get a call from a friend "can you get down there to my in laws with plywood gas etc and see what I can do. I round up 2 friends, and head down there with a sh!t load of stuff and do a bunch of emergency repairs. The dude has an awesome home machine shop as a hobby. months later the guy has a stroke. The wife calls me " come pick this stuff up I'm sure it will go to a good home"


I get the same sort of equipment as you and the exact I mean exact same band saw. That is an awesome machine and will serve you well for metal as well as wood.


Good luck (I think you already have some)



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