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Gave this a shot tonight, I no longer have a runny nose(been battling a cold), but I still have use of only one nostril(and it's shifted from one side to the other), and my left ear is full of water!


Hopefully it'll level out while I'm asleep. My ear is driving me insane!

I suggest using it at least twice in a 2-3 hour period to see the best results. Neti potting isn't a miracle worker, but it can clear stuff out pretty well. The nasal passages will take awhile to open up more but at least the crap is out.


Note: you can use it wrong and cause some weird issues, which could be why you have water in your ear.

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If your nose is completely plugged up, I don't think a neti pot is going to help much. It will get some loose mucus out of your nose, sure, but if you're plugged up that bad it's pretty much impossible to get the water up there in the first place. What I wouldn't do is really put a lot of pressure behind it if you're using the squeeze bottle. If the water doesn't flow through smoothly, then don't do it.


The only thing that helps when I'm that congested is Afrin. Afrin is pretty addictive, so don't overuse. I told my sis-in-law about it and warned her about my uncle who was addicted to it for years, and still I think she's addicted to it now, so take it seriously. :( Afrin is what the ENT docs use to clear you up before they scope your sinuses, if you've been unlucky enough to have that done. I have used Afrin to clear up my nose so that I can do the neti at the peak of allergy season. Again, though, it is HIGHLY addictive.

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I suggest using it at least twice in a 2-3 hour period to see the best results. Neti potting isn't a miracle worker, but it can clear stuff out pretty well. The nasal passages will take awhile to open up more but at least the crap is out.


Note: you can use it wrong and cause some weird issues, which could be why you have water in your ear.


Uhhhh... careful there, read the directions as I think there is a recommended daily dosage. I think you can actually do damage if over done more than the recommend 'daily allowance'.


And yes, don't be a typical dude and just look at the pictures... read the instructions thoroughly before use. You have to blow your nose to get as much out as you can before using the nasal rinse. Then repeat blowing after rinse to clear the passages. There is a preferred 'angle of attack' that if done properly won't get any solution down the throat or up the ear canals. It's truely an art! :mrgreen:

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Uhhhh... careful there, read the directions as I think there is a recommended daily dosage. I think you can actually do damage if over done more than the recommend 'daily allowance'.


And yes, don't be a typical dude and just look at the pictures... read the instructions thoroughly before use. You have to blow your nose to get as much out as you can before using the nasal rinse. Then repeat blowing after rinse to clear the passages. There is a preferred 'angle of attack' that if done properly won't get any solution down the throat or up the ear canals. It's truely an art! :mrgreen:


Mine says no more often than 2 hours. My wife has trouble with it getting in her throat but I do not.

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