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ZX Speedo goes to 85... what then?


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So I imagine none of you guys have gone over 80 in your ZXs... so there wouldnt be any reason to have a speedo that goes past that. :)


Anyways, what is a good way to know how fast you were going once you pass 80ish?


I went out with a friend (5.0 mustang) and I was suprisingly able to keep up with him. :) We accelerated up to 80 and kept going. All I saw was that I was at about 5000 rpm in top gear (3rd).


This was in my 81 280zx turbo automatic, all stock. So I assume a 3.54 rear end, and it has 195/70/14s.


So anyone have an estimate on how fast I was going? Is it ok to assume 3rd on an auto is about a 1.308 ratio like the other manual transmissions?



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It should top out at 85, not 80. Damn government regulations. lol. Its definitely a pain to not know how fast you were going isn't it? I've clocked my NA auto at about 125 before by having my friend driving next to me. That was before I tuned it for better performance though so I'm sure its a bit faster now. If your gauges are analog then find a set from an early 79. They go up to 130 if I remember correctly. I'll find a link to a thread I started about the speedo problem. There are designs for making a separate digital speedo that registers as fast as you can go. :)


I think I have the gear ratios for both transmissions somewhere. I'll try to find them in a little bit and post them here for you. I'm pretty sure they are different though.

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So I imagine none of you guys have gone over 80 in your ZXs... so there wouldnt be any reason to have a speedo that goes past that. :)


Anyways, what is a good way to know how fast you were going once you pass 80ish?


I went out with a friend (5.0 mustang) and I was suprisingly able to keep up with him. :) We accelerated up to 80 and kept going. All I saw was that I was at about 5000 rpm in top gear (3rd).


This was in my 81 280zx turbo automatic, all stock. So I assume a 3.54 rear end, and it has 195/70/14s.


So anyone have an estimate on how fast I was going? Is it ok to assume 3rd on an auto is about a 1.308 ratio like the other manual transmissions?





Years back there was a thread about How fast you have gone, or something like that....

I believe it was you that pointed me to a sight that allowed me to see how fast, at what RPM. It said 150. I'm still not saying that I got going that fast, but........................................

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Thanks for the ratios kevin.


Turns out ~5000rpm will be approximately 105 mph which is reasonable. Although thats not "flying" it took about 10 times less time to get up to that speed compared to my rav4.. :)


Yeah Marc that website is listed a few posts up. I dont believe you were going 150 either. :)

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  • 2 weeks later...

Heh, this is sort of unrelated, but speaking of pegging speedometers... The one in my CRX goes up to 135, and believe it or not, that little Honda WILL go that fast. I was surprised, scared, and elated. Granted, I was on the freeway (duh) and had a long runup down one hill and up another. I don't think my ZX will go even close to that fast. I don't even know how I'd measure it, either. I'm using the NA rearend with the T-5, and I think I chickened out around 5000rpm when I tried to test the upper limit there.

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