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Affects of overheating?


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So last night my car started overheating I think. Idling badly, not coming off idle very easily at all (wanting to die if I tried to accelerate), the hood was way hotter than usual, stuff like that. I got it home, popped the hood, let it cool for awhile, and discovered that my coolant level was way low.


I refilled the rad this morning, and started the car. Other than the alt belt (or possibly it was the electric fan rubbing in it's housing) squeeking for a few minutes then going quiet, it *seems* like my engine made it through OK, but I'm still a little worried. Are there any easy/quick things to check to see how bad it got for the engine?

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So last night my car started overheating I think.


Why only "I think"?

Because I've never overheated a car before, and my coolant temp readings never gave me a consistent number.


I know it was at the least running hotter than it should have been, but I'm using 'overheating' in the sense of destroyed parts overheating *shrugs*.

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I would go back to basics and search for the cause of the water leak and subsequent overheating. Apply pressure to the radiator and then carefully inspect your cooling system. In what condition are your hoses? Pressure test the radiator cap. Does your heater leak? Do you have any coolant mixed with the oil in the sump? Remove the spark plugs and inspect them and the tops of your pistons for signs of coolant leaking into the chambers. Is your thermostat operating properly? When did you last flush your radiator and cooling system. In what condition is the water pump? Apparently the coolant went somewhere and you will discover where if you do a careful search. The problem will not fix itself or magically go away.

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Without knowing how hot for how long makes it tough.


Also throw in all other possiblities, it just becomes a crap shoot.


Do what Mayolives is saying and a compression leak down test, and just drive it. (Without a before number for that test it dose not serve too good of a purpose ethier.)

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I would go back to basics and search for the cause of the water leak and subsequent overheating. Apply pressure to the radiator and then carefully inspect your cooling system. In what condition are your hoses? Pressure test the radiator cap. Does your heater leak? Do you have any coolant mixed with the oil in the sump? Remove the spark plugs and inspect them and the tops of your pistons for signs of coolant leaking into the chambers. Is your thermostat operating properly? When did you last flush your radiator and cooling system. In what condition is the water pump? Apparently the coolant went somewhere and you will discover where if you do a careful search. The problem will not fix itself or magically go away.


Well, I just found the initial place it went: Atmosphere. Looks like my overflow line cracked and just started venting straight into the air. All the other hoses are still good. Thermostat/pump is working (after refill temps were consistent and in the proper heat range).


The rest of the stuff is going to have to wait till thursday to get checked. Finishing up school and starting a new job is leaving me with no time to give to the car :evil:.


I know I've got a site in my bookmarks describing how to interpret spark plug condition, but what will the piston look like if coolant has been getting into the chamber?

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