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guy wants to buy my car from africa


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[enter seller name here], salutations and greetings. I send you a check for $25,000 American Dollars for your [enter car here] and then you give my partner the difference when he arrives on [enter date here] up to pick up your [enter car here] from you. His name is Mugambi Washington and he is general in exile from the Nigerian Navy. You can trust him forever. Hurry, [enter seller name here] I look forward to quickly reply. Thanks you for your swift and honorably.


Keke Roosevelt



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i got a check for a boat i had for sale fed-exed to me .i just figured i would deposit it and tell the check writer he paid 10k more for the boat.as expected the check was no good.and my bank charged me $5 for the bounce fee.


Haha, that really sucks. i probably would have done the same thing though.

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I sold my Mobyvan on Christmas Day to a guy up in the valley. Bastige came down with cash, but of course $500 short. "It's christmas man, give me a break!"


First I mentioned his obvious hipocrasy over not being christian, yet asking for the christian disount on christmas. 'Dude, you're Jewish, what the hell do you care it's Christmas?' was the phrase I used if I recall.


So he paid me in a check. I said (ON CHRISTMAS DAY) "If this check bounces when I cash it next week, I know where you live, I will come find that van, and take back the $500, plus the bank's fees from it!" He seemed shocked I wasn't as 'christian' as I should be, I suppose, both with not giving him a discount, and expecting a check to be good for the sum it's written for!


It bounced...


I went and found the van. Firestone R4S's were $147 each. I got my $500+ NSF fees out of it, so to speak.


I then went back, and asked the bank to hammer the check again, figuring I still had 'change' he owed me.


It cleared the third time. But he was out a set of new R4S's.... He's lucky I didn't find him...I had my Axe Handles along...

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Same scam floating around when looking fora place to live.


the scammer looks for a house that is or was for sale. places an add in craigs list. rent or asking price is well below market value. the one i responded to went something like this. send my first month deposit and i will fedex the keys and contract. if you don't like it you can stay the month and i will still refund your money.


I actually went to the property listed and knocked on a neighbors door asking about the house. of course it was sold 2 months prior and was occupied to a family of 4. it was definitely not occupied at anytime by a black Hindu minister (so you can trust me) that recently traveled back to Africa. If it sounds to good to be true. it is

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I had almost the exact same thing happen once, except it was someone saying they were in Canada. I knew it was a scam right away, but I figured I'd play along and see how far they went. They actually went as far as to have their "Agent" call me. What was really weird was that when the "Agent" called me and was asking scripted questions about the conditions of the car, I could hear others in the background talking on the phone, asking the same questions. Bottom line is.. don't sell something of high value until you see cash, money-order, or cashier's check.

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