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Turbo size... Does it matter?


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Scale Deltic, you say? Took these at the 2001 PRIME show in Eugene. 18 cylinders, and 3 cranks...























Forgive me for the thread jack... it's Tony's fault :mrgreen:



it's almost done according to this website of his. Pretty crazy how he made things.


He made 36 pistons out of the skirt of one BIG piston haha



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I have often been the source of Jacking...


The engineer who is on this retrofit project in Australia with me did his first five or so years out of university working on Sulzer Designs. 102 rpm ship engines. We are like two peas in the pod talking about stupid designs that never worked, yet were built and then pawned off to the people in Service to do field retrofits to keep in service.


What do you do when the noob design engineer makes a dampner for a 12 cylinder (like the one in the 'if anyone opened the link' post) that ended up being 1 meter larger in raduis than the clearance from the centerline of the crankshaft to the decking of the bilge...


Resonances and axial deflections because counterweights were not of the proper weight.


Crank counterweights that had undersized bolts on them that shear off, allowing the counterweight to act like a milling cutter on the block, from the inside out. Eventually nearly cutting the engine in two?


Oh yeah, take a job in field service engineering boys and girls! You may get dirty, and you may end up eating grubs in Papua New Ginuea... but the catastrophic failures you get to witness are pretty spectacular! LOL


There I go, sitting awake in a Hotel Room at 1AM, jacking again... Guilty! I think it's time for a shower...or sleep. Whichever.


"I digress"

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