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New motor, not running well


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I just put together a new motor. I have checked the timing marks over and over again, I have the cam sprocket on the shiny link and tried 1 tooth before and after the shiny link (on the no. 1 position on the cam and on the link). The motor starts and runs on all three positions but obviously on the shiny link it is best. It will barely idle below 1500 or so and when I give it a lot of gas it dies. It will rev up to 6k but I have not tried to go any higher yet. I checked to make sure the carbs are getting enough fuel and not too much pressure. I have adjusted the accel pump but that made no difference. I have not made any adjustments to the carbs other than the base settings to get things started, fuel screws backed off 1.5 turns and all the linkage set evenly and the idle screws evenly set. I tried moving the plug wires one position over but that did not work. I am starting to run out of ideas. Rebello made the head and put the proper jets (tripple 45m OER's) for the motor specs so that should all be correct. I keep thinking it is a timing issue. What am I missing? Please help. Thanks


EDIT: O.K. I just realized I removed the reluctor out of the dist. and when I put it back in I did not set the proper distance from the fins on the shaft. Could that be the problem? and does anyone know what the setting should be?

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Now I am stunned. I opened the carbs once again, and I do not know how I missed this before, there are not main jets on all three carbs! They must have forgotten to put them in. I just assumed they were all set up right since they were shipped attached to the manifold and all the linkage was set up. The pilot jets are there (60's) but there are two big screw holes above them with nothing in them, no air jet,emulsion tubes or main jets. I double checked the box every thing was shipped in and they are not there. So no wonder it ran like sh!t, died when I gave it gas and would hardly have enough power to get rolling but amazingly it would rev up to 6k for a split second. Well I guess I'll call Rebello first thing. I will say that they have been very good to deal with so far and very helpful, sometimes people make mistakes.


I found the setting for the reluctor too.

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I just assumed they were all set up right since they were shipped ....


Oh, don't do that. Especially with parts that your engine sucks through. You are lucky they didn't have any trash (or little metal bits) in them for your engine to suck in and tear the @*$! out of your combustion chambers, etc.

Glad to hear you got it, though.



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Now I am stunned. I opened the carbs once again, and I do not know how I missed this before, there are not main jets on all three carbs! They must have forgotten to put them in. I just assumed they were all set up right since they were shipped attached to the manifold and all the linkage was set up. The pilot jets are there (60's) but there are two big screw holes above them with nothing in them, no air jet,emulsion tubes or main jets. I double checked the box every thing was shipped in and they are not there. So no wonder it ran like sh!t, died when I gave it gas and would hardly have enough power to get rolling but amazingly it would rev up to 6k for a split second. Well I guess I'll call Rebello first thing. I will say that they have been very good to deal with so far and very helpful, sometimes people make mistakes.

Just make sure you get the right stuff. I've ordered Mikuni parts from them twice. Twice I was shipped the wrong parts. They're great to talk to on the phone, but they don't seem to be able to get the right parts in the box.

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I talked with them today and it seems they do not actually put the carbs together. They tell Peirce Manifolds what the specs are and they put the hole thing together and give it to Rebello then they put the carbs on the manifold I gave them and put the linkage together then ship it to me. Really Rebello should have looked to make sure all was O.K. before it shipped though. WizardBlack you are absolutely right, I should check things like that, I learned something here. Like you say Jon they are good on the phone and they do have good customer service but this was not the only problem I encountered with this order. Every thing is good now but it is a bit of a pain in the a$$.

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