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Chemistry help!!!!


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With the vague nature of your question, you are probably already in a lot of trouble. You didnt even mention what grade level or form of chemistry. Unless you have specific questions about hydrocarbons and combustion, I wouldnt expect much help here.


BTW, I know enough about chemistry to blow any beaker to smithereens.. if that will help, PM me.

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Some of wikipedia isnt a great source but many of them are made by people that know what their talking about. Specifically some of the chemistry, math or physics pages. I wouldnt worry to much about there being information saying atoms are shaped like hearts or something to that extent.

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6.02214 X 10^23 = avogadros number = 1 mole


Its a number just like a dozen or a gross. You can have a dozen turbos or a mole of turbos.


As I mentioned, read your book more. All through HS and especially in college you will be required to figure it out yourself. For the most part you wont have people to ask all of these questions.


Edit- Just saw you found it, just do whatever you did for all the other things your not sure about and youll be fine.

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I figured there would be something specific you needed help with.


If you're in 10th grade and have a test coming up, I'd assume your teacher gave you guys a study guide. Use it.

Also, this is probably after a specific number of chapters in your book, so do the chapter review assignments. They're there for a reason and really do help.

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Someone else in a similar boat to me...but my exam is tomorrow at 8am. Man I hate 8am test blocks, but colleges seem to like them. I also feel so out of place taking Chem 1100 with all of the freshmen.


Just now in review I heard a kid complaining about Statics....haha...he is in for a surprise when he sees what other classes he has to take.

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I dont want to be too mean but if youre taking a chemistry midterm and you're still not sure what Avogadro's number is... youre in real trouble. This is one of the more basic concepts that you really need to understand well to suceed the rest of the term. I would talk with your teacher, maybe schedule sometime with them to review some key concepts and make sure you get them all. You might not get an A on your midterm now but making sure you REALLY understand the concepts now will help you keep on top of things down the line....


If youre uncomfortable talking with the teacher, as everyone else says, wikipedia and your textbook are good sources. If you took good notes, those are even better since they usually show what the teacher emphasizes the most of what they are teaching you. Also, find somewhere with lots of sample problems (your text book), make sure it has answers in the back and just start doing all the practice problems, checking your work as you go. This will take a while, but you will get practice solving problems which is very important in a technical class like chemistry. Asking on a forum for very general information isnt really the most productive use of your time...

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If youre uncomfortable talking with the teacher, as everyone else says, wikipedia and your textbook are good sources.
If you're uncomfortable talking with the teacher, you should suck it up and do it anyway. Provided the teacher is any good, they should be able to help you much more than just looking through the text book or wikipedia.


Also, if you have a test coming up that your grade for the entire semester is dependent on, maybe you should have done the work in the first place? Just a thought.

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