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Automotive (Web Page) Rant...

Guest Rolling Parts

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Chevrolet and Government Motors is trying to pitch to the 'younger' generation. That is the generation that is retarded and as such likes two things... Shiny things, and anything chemically treated (the mall, Sorority girls, McDonalds, Bud Light, basically anything that is bad)



...kind of like fish really.


I face palm our generation Mag :icon56:




....generation fail


another from (The twenty-something Old Crotchety Bastard Club)

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Anybody remember the TV commercial where the business owner was being dazzled by the 20 something web designer showing them a flaming company logo rotating in the corner of the page...

While the owner asked for real time inventory tracking and the ability to access data remotely from any portal?


Some of that going on there.


I long for a text-based BBS on my old modem, I swear I got more information there taking 30 minutes to load my digest than some new improved websites that take seconds to load on a cable modem.


Now, if it doesn't load in the time of basic text, I skip it. The ADDHD generation has bred intolerance of site pages that load graphics first, and the information you want DEAD LAST (even after the popups!) Bye Bye! Next Website...

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