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Searching - Missing Search Function


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Maybe I am missing something (haven't searched enough?) but I can not find out how to search phrases on the main search page. Oddly, the FAQ page has a search phrase option - Search FAQ Search Word(s):

Matching Options:

Match Any Words Match All Words Match Complete Phrase Search in:

Search Titles Only Search Titles & Text





but the main Forums search page does not seem to have one. It does single words only. So a search for "five speed" brings up all the posts with five and speed, not just "five speed".


Actually, just "speed" - from my example search - (=0&childforums=1&titleonly=0&showposts=0&searchdate=0&beforeafter=after&sortby=lastpost&sortorder=descending&replyless=0&replylimit=0&searchthreadid=0&saveprefs=1&quicksearch=0&searchtype=0&nocache=0&ajax=0&userid=0&"]Search: Keyword(s): speed The following words are either very common, too long, or too short and were not included in your search: five).


I think this is one reason people don't find what they search for. Too many results to sift through.


Am I missing something? This is a great site and I'm sure it takes a lot of work to maintain. Not too be critical, I'm just trying to help out.

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Interesting.... :)


Most people who are posting about your given example (five speed) usualy will type 5 speed instead.


Example search: http://forums.hybridz.org/search.php?searchid=4285320


I typed in "5 speed" and came up with a ton of threads. It is a challenge to pick out only the threads you want sometimes admittedly, but for most questions, they can be answered this way. It does bring up threads with "speed" but then you can narrow your search by searching in a specific forum. My search did leave out the "5" due to it being too short of a search term. Thats when you should choose another term for your search criteria....maybe less specific.


It is a matter of spelling. You can also narrow your search by searching in one particular forum or thread rather than the entire site.


I hope this helps. ;)


Maybe I am missing something (haven't searched enough?) but I can not find out how to search phrases on the main search page. Oddly, the FAQ page has a search phrase option - Search FAQ Search Word(s):

Matching Options:

Match Any Words Match All Words Match Complete Phrase Search in:

Search Titles Only Search Titles & Text





but the main Forums search page does not seem to have one. It does single words only. So a search for "five speed" brings up all the posts with five and speed, not just "five speed".


Actually, just "speed" - from my example search - (=0&childforums=1&titleonly=0&showposts=0&searchdate=0&beforeafter=after&sortby=lastpost&sortorder=descending&replyless=0&replylimit=0&searchthreadid=0&saveprefs=1&quicksearch=0&searchtype=0&nocache=0&ajax=0&userid=0&"]Search: Keyword(s): speed The following words are either very common, too long, or too short and were not included in your search: five).


I think this is one reason people don't find what they search for. Too many results to sift through.


Am I missing something? This is a great site and I'm sure it takes a lot of work to maintain. Not too be critical, I'm just trying to help out.

Edited by Phlebmaster
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