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I deleted "I don't like this"

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We have a LARGE number of new members. I encourage those of you who have come to love this place and call it home to use restraint in Hammering the new guys. Newbies, I encourage you all to read the mission statement. We have a large number of folks here who have come from other sites because they wanted to escape mindless banter, and irrelevent ramblings of young or immature people who cluttered up good usefull bulletin boards.


This site is first and foremost here to help people build the baddest cars on the planet, not to discuss the merits of the Ford Probe or Mazda Miata. I'm sure there are other sites out there more suited for that type of discussion. This site is a free site provided for our use to discuss how to shove the most unussual or the biggest and baddest motor into the Nissan Flagship sports car from 1970-1996. Thats it. There are notable exceptions, and rare swaps into other small and unique cars are welcome, as are the technical discussions that usually follow.


You are all welcome to share in the TECHNICAL DISCUSSIONS of this site.


Mike Kelly

Administrator icon_cool.gif

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Guest Anonymous

good i dont want to discuss the merits of the miata or probe. i just hope you didnt delete it for what i said just because it went against what everyone else said.

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Originally posted by radtad:

good i dont want to discuss the merits of the miata or probe.


This isn't the forum for it anyway. That might be a topic for the "I'm tellin ya" forum, but since it's not about an encounter with another car with a HybridZ, some might say it doesn't fit there either.


i just hope you didnt delete it for what i said just because it went against what everyone else said.


Nope. It just didn't fit. This particular forum is for the open minded discussion of Chevy V8 Z conversions. This site really isn't intended for the outright bashing of a particular type of car, although we do have other threads that will gravitate into those types of discussions now and again (SUVs have sprouted from a nother thread lately.)


Sure, we all have our likes and dislikes. And even though we may not choose to mod a particular type of car that others think is the best thing since sliced bread, we try to realize everyone's taste is different. Heck, the V8Z used to be one of those black sheep, but it's gaining recognition as a valid project by more and more Z people (except for the true avid purists).

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Well it also had to do with the tone of the post and the fact that there was NOTHING of use in a technical nature in this particular forum. Again, please go re-read the mission statement up front on Page 1. We are here to discuss technical matters. Now if there is some part off a Probe or Miata that you have cleaverly incorporated into your Z, please inform us, as we all love hearing about that sort of thing.


Mike Kelly icon_rolleyes.gif

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True. I go to another board that's a music board, and a bunch of new people got in there and overtook the General Discussion, mainly alienating all the relevant musical threads with posts like "Who's your favorite Porno Star".... the webmaster was overwhelmed by then, so he made a "Total Anarchy" Area for this.

I think this site is a wealth of information and without it my car would have not have happened. I think that Mike and Pete should stick by their guns and keep this site as is should be - about modfying Z's. I'd hate to see another great discussion board overtaken by random junk.

I didn't see the post, but if Pete took it down, I trust his judgement.

With that said, new people who come to this site should not be afraid to post, just to make sure it's within the realm of modifying Z's.

Just my $.02


AL icon_biggrin.gificon_biggrin.gif

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As Mike said above, we are not here to hammer people either. This place is all about having a comfortable atmosphere and talking cool tech stuff about Z cars - engine swaps, suspension, brake, body mods, etc.


Just watch, radtad will soon be seen one of our frequent, highly valuable members and this little hickup will be something to laugh at later.


Best Regards,



BTW, I noticed I'm well on the way to 2400 posts - that's something like 5 a day since inception of HybridZ.org, I think icon_wink.gif. I wander what the signal to noise ration is... icon_wink.gif

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I didn't even see the post in question nor do I care who started it, but I fully support the administrators decision to pull it.

Like many I was pleased to find a forum that dealt with the V8 Z car and I'm even warming up to Turbo 6's, heck make that all Z cars. Another plus is the absence of Ford, Chevy or Mopar bashing, although I must admit I get a little kick out of "ricer bashing" that I find in the "I'm Tellin Ya" section.


Like your saying, the mission statement says it all. There are SOOOO many places on the web for everybody's different interests. To those that started it and moderate it I say: This site is great, please do what you feel is needed to keep it that way!!


Thank You, Larry (aka Peternell)

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Guest Anonymous

I wasn't really serious about my posts. I was actually just joking and i was hoping at least somebody would notice it if i didnt put those little smiley faces in the post. I agree that I didn't think it all thru and because of the trouble it has caused i guess it would have been better to have not posted that post on the tech board and im sorry about that. Originaly the reason i posted it was because i figured it was something we could all enjoy. Because this is the forum for chevy v8 conversions i figured that there would have been somebody to agree with me that it would be somewhat of a waste to put money into a project that wouldnt return as much as some would like. But when it became apparent that it didn't seem that anyone agreed with me i just started bashing the probe and miata (i cant even recall how i got the miata involved in all this). Well im just basicaly saying sorry for causing all this grief and that i didnt make the post just to be an agitator.

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1st, Thank you for your public apology. No harm, no foul. Just understand that, as administrators, Pete and I have to keep watch over this site and make sure it doesn't get poluted with a lot of BS that other sites experience. We try to provide categories for areas of discussion that are not technical in nature, so please feel free to use those areas to chat about any number of things. We do encourage people to post and get actively involved on the BB, but keep in mind that free speach applies only where we can all be adults, mature and friendly. We have a great reputation here for keep the peace on this site, and sometimes we rush in a bit prematurely, not that this was one of those times, as I think Pete did an excellent job of cleaning up the thread!


Again, thanks and please feel free to post in the approriate areas with appropriate topics!


Mike Kelly

Administrator icon_cool.gif

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