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What are your favorite Japanese Car Culture blogs?


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Hey guys. I've really been enjoying auto blogs (among others) lately and I was wondering what your favorite ones are. I dont know of many, which is why I am creating this thread, but the ones I will contribute will be.


Speed Hunters

Auto Otaku


I know these sites are probably nothing new to any of you, but I had to contribute something.

Edited by icapture
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well Tony D, its when two young aspiring Hipster love each other very much... then they go home and "blog" about they're lives and favorite bands. and in this case, cars.


^ I love it. japanesenostalgiccar.com is one that I frequent (lost interest in speedhunters, too much "hellaflush" and hondas for me). It also has a forum section which is pretty good, even though there are more Aussies on it (at least the datsun/nissan section).

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well Tony D, its when two young aspiring Hipster love each other very much... then they go home and "blog" about they're lives and favorite bands. and in this case, cars.


Fixed gears, jeans cut into shorts, and ray bans are "hipster" - blogs, not so much. The fact that there are blogs devoted to economics and foreign policy tells me its not "hipster"

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Here are some I try to check out at least once a week...not including the ones you already mentioned:


The Real JDM - http://www.bespokeventures.com/blog/

Japanese Nostalgic Car - http://japanesenostalgiccar.com/blog/

Motor Mavens - http://www.motormavens.com/

Noriyaro - http://noriyaro.com/

Build Threads - http://www.build-threads.com/

JDM Ego - http://fatlace.com/jdmego/

Beyond the Dyno - http://www.motoiq.com/columns/beyond_the_dyno.aspx

J-Type - http://jtype.net/j/

JDM Legends - http://www.jdmlegends.com/blog/

Retro Classics - http://blog.retro-classics.co.nz/

Al's Car Stuff - http://alscarstuff.wordpress.com/

Hakosuka - http://www.hakosukagtr.blogspot.com/

Datnut - http://datnut.dfrag.com.au/

Beeoneoneoh - http://beeoneoneoh.wordpress.com/

Rat-Dat - http://www.ratdat.com/

Clunkbucket - http://clunkbucket.com/

Giant in the mental - http://giantinthemental.blogspot.com/

JDMwhat - http://www.jdmwhat.com/blog/

Stayfresh - http://fatlace.com/stayfresh/mark/



Z-related blogs:


Dsalni - http://dsalni.wordpress.com/

Kyusha Kai - http://kyushakai.wordpress.com/

Oh, you speak english? - http://yuta-akaishi.blogspot.com/

Henry's S12 200sx build - http://jumbosandbox.blogspot.com/

Mark Rolston's blog - http://web.mac.com/markrolston/NewSite/Z-car.html

Crazy Octopus - http://crazyoctopi.blogspot.com/

Z Car Garage - http://www.zcarblog.com/

Rocky Auto Blog - http://www.rockyauto.co.jp/blog


Hope thats enough for you guys ;)

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I forgot to add my favorite car blog, even though its not just Japanese car stuff: www.jalopnik.com - love that site. I love Down on the Street, Nice Price or Crack-Pipe, Project Car Hell, all the 24 Hours of Lemons coverage and Save the Enzo's.

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