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About Blitz21

  • Birthday 05/21/1988

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    Long Beach, CA

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  1. I haven't seen the race yet, but KERS has been around for a while. I don't know much about the adjustible wing stuff but I guess it can equate to the F-duct?
  2. I hear ya on that one.... My fun times.
  3. I was wondering if there's any noticable difference in handling at highway speeds?
  4. I'll grab some pics later tonight with an actual camera (at work now with only my phone).
  5. I was the same way, and trust me, its worth it. I ended up getting the tach and gps speedo with the turn signals and high beam indicator. I got the green backlight illumination and it is spot on with the stock gauge color. However, the white light for the needle is really bright. I don't know if there's a way to dim that down, but I'd go with something other than the white illumination for the needle.
  6. I'd personally get a Super 7. But your options I'd go with the NSX.
  7. Get the 4 inch. They fit in the stock housing so you have a way to mount them. A guy did a write-up on how he fit them in using a drain cap and some other rings.
  8. I've GOTTA see that...and La Habra isn't too far from me.
  9. Wow.....all those reasons sound like my boss. Constantly bitching about money, cutting my hours and my pay, while spending $3,000 on 2 (two) rotors for his personal car on the same day. (and that's rotor as in rotary engine.) Our computer system is: we use XP machines, with a virtual windows 98, just so that we can run our DOS program for inventory and invoices to print on dot-matrix. When confronted by salesmen offering programs that can do the same inventory and printing invoices that can run on vista and even windows 7, my boss' reply is "It'll just be outdated in 10 years" ....while we're using 20 year old mickey mouse computers.
  10. Sweeeet! Who cares about that small gap around the gauge ring, that looks crisp!
  11. http://www.speedhut.com/custom_gauge_description-gauge_type-Speedometer_GPS-auto_number-882.htm http://www.speedhut.com/custom_gauge_description-gauge_type-Speedometer_GPS-auto_number-883.htm http://www.speedhut.com/custom_gauge_description-gauge_type-Speedometer_GPS-auto_number-884.htm All 3 of those are GPS and include turn signals and high beam indicators. I'm also pretty sure all the speedos have the peak recall, 1/4 mile, etc
  12. Ah, right you are. With the pics...>cough< I did see that >cough<
  13. Wow, that motor looks beautiful in there. Cool, now I know my plan can be done, bwahaha.
  14. Speedhut.com, a little more expensive than autometer but worth it for me. I actually just ordered the tach and speedo! BTW, did you get the speedo with or without the turn signals? I'm wondering how they would plug in...
  15. That looks really clean! I thought about getting the tach and GPS speedo for my '73. I was wondering about the GPS type though. Does it calibrate itself or is there something you have to do?
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