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1971 240z rb25det build thread


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Hey All, 


I wanted to take a moment to introduce myself and provide an update to this "legacy" project (hence the screen name). As of January of this year, I am the newest steward/caretaker of this 1971 240z. I can't promise that I will be as diligent with the details and progress as 5thgenluder was. But, I will absolutely make an effort to keep everyone updated of the progress. Much like the previous owners, I do not have a climate controlled space to work on this car, so for now, it is comfortably parked waiting for warmer weather. I have plans to continue the interior work as its really the only thing left to do on this car (save for some minor maintenance and freshening up). I have been granted a unique opportunity to carry on this build and I have been fortunate to have been given a solid foundation to work with. Just know that it is in the very best care here. 


I created this post as a means to rekindle what 5thgenluder has started here. 


A note to 5thgenluder: You did an excellent job on this. I hope to continue the build in a way that you would appreciate.

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