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1971 240z rb25det build thread


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Spent a little time on the car. Got almost all of the factory sound deadening material off of the drivers side floor pan. Been using a heat gun, screw driver, scraper and wire wheel. Im trying to tidy up the steering wheel wiring so that its all set to be put back together. I wired in the horn and ran some wires for the radio. I have a semi big plan for the stereo so Im gonna get that all wired and documented. I temporarily mounted the battery back in to make sure everything was the way I want it. I have the speedo in its cup and 2 of the other gauges mountable. I will document and post most likely over thanksgiving.


Anyone notice any mistakes so far? Bad wiring? Bad fuel setup? Anything?

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Thanks for the kind words Pat1, Rs speed and Cristian. I know I have been slacking lately. All my free time has been spent drywalling a garage for a friend. Hopefully if the temperature gets above 30 tomorrow I can get some work done and some info posted.

Edited by 5thgenluder
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i am removing my fuel lines on my 240z (feed, return, and the other small one that goes from the drivers side to the rear under the fuel cap). do i need to keep this small one to the fuel cap?. i see you removed it but what if you have a full tank in the summer. i know my plane weeps like a mo on hot days.... but i dont know what this hose is for either...

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You can not completely seal off the fuel system. The fuel tank won't even allow you till fill it all the way up on a hot day without a vent. My solution was to just vent my tank to the hose in the filler neck and then get a vented gas cap to allow the fumes and vapor to escape. I did not have my stock charcoal canister. If I did have it I probably would have retained that. I have also heard of people attaching a hose on the top to vent the tank and then wrapping it in a loop under the car to vent.

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ok, but just to be clear, i can ditch that hard line that runs from the front of the car (charcoal, number 9 in this pic)



so i will endup with something like this, but with the pictured line running from the tank back to the charcoal canister blocked off.


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Speedo in housing.


So I got a speedo from speedhut. It has the turn signal and bright indicators built in. It wasnt as easy as the Tach. I needed to make something to put pressure on the gauge to hold it tight against the factory ring. I went to the trusty home depot looking for a drain cap as I read in another thread. Maybe KTM? I didnt find what I saw in the other thread but I did find a 4" knock out test plug. I bought 2 of them and went on my way. I had to punch out one of them and cut a hole in the other. I also had to knotch the sides for the bolts in the housing. Heres a pic to help describe.

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I atatched that to the other ring with electrical tape.

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Then I put it all back together. I had to sand it to make it perfect but it was easy enough. Heres a pic of the back..

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Here is the finished product from the front.

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Rings were about $2.00 ( not even gonna add that up.)


Any questions?

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