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Auto-X video from Sept 18th.


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Here is a link to an auto-x video from the weekend of Sept 18th, 2010.


We run at Tri-City raceway which is a old roundy-round track, it has concrete walls around a significant portion of it which we try to stay well away from but in this run I got VERY close.



Didn't make contact but the pucker factor got very high before the car stopped.



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I'm glad you were able to keep her out of it!


Riding in your car gave me a bunch of inspiration to get mine done Ken. :)

I'm trying to get my schedule worked out here at school to be able to make it to the last race of the year. It's beyond addicting!



Sorry to tell you this man but the event where that video was taken was the last race for this season.

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Who was running the event?


SCCA tracks are supposed to have at least 25' of runoff from any part of a "hot" area on the track. Sketch.


On a lighter note, your "trying to get speed to go through the lights" comment made me smile. I was working the Timing and Scoring at our last AutoX event, and someone said: "90% of the people out here think they are going to make up all their time in the last stretch before the lights" :lol:

Edited by FlatBlack
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Who was running the event?


SCCA tracks are supposed to have at least 25' of runoff from any part of a "hot" area on the track. Sketch.


On a lighter note, your "trying to get speed to go through the lights" comment made me smile. I was working the Timing and Scoring at our last AutoX event, and someone said: "90% of the people out here think they are going to make up all their time in the last stretch before the lights" :lol:


The event was run by my local club Sand and Sage Sports Car Club.

We are an SCCA sanctioned club but operate under our own rules.

If you watch the other video I put on YouTube from the same event you'll see there is actually a lot more than 25' of run off after the lights.

The course had the typical "gotta slow the car down before the lights" element that usually ends up upsetting the car rather than slowing it down and it caught me on my first run after lunch. The tires had cooled, I was pushing hard and got loose exitting the element, it was my fault.


Yeah, most of the folks I've ever raced with try to accelerate through the lights to save as much time as possible but how much time can you save in 30 - 50 feet of track.

I'd rather see courses designed where you are at speed through the lights after a series of flowing elements and have lots of space to slow down. Not all venues offer the space for such a setup so it rarely works out that way.



Edited by wheelman
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What exactly is the "Thank You" event on Oct. 16th and 17th?


It's an event put on by the club to thank all the members for the hard work they put in to make the season a success.

In order to run you have to be a member and have attended at least 2 events during the season. I believe you attended 2 events but I'm not sure if you became a member of the club this season.

If you want to attend the event you could pay the $25.00 yearly membership fee and the $10.00 event fee. :) Sign up online then put a post on the ssscc.org forum asking how to pay the yearly membership fee and someone will put you in touch with the club treasurer.


I most likely won't be able to make that event. :(

I'll either be in Germany or working the weekend to meet some tight deadlines on a project we're trying to finish by early November.


BTW: I won the season points race for our local "All Mod and Prep Cars" class. I beat my nearest competitor by .06 points, very tight season race. :)

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The tires had cooled, I was pushing hard and got loose exitting the element, it was my fault.


That's my beef with it. I mean yes - it would kind of be your fault if you put it in the wall, but the Safety Steward needs to forsee problems IN CASE something like that were to happen.


You reacted really well, but get the kid in a swapped 240SX with a welded diff that thinks he's the next drift star, and doesn't know when to let off, and you have a serious issue on your hands.

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