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Need some help with college (longgg rant)


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          Tony I agree, and I state that sheepskin society refers to them as such, because of the lack of a college or graduate degree, but such are often smarter and more motivated than the latter in reality.  Not at all meant as a pejorative.  Quite the opposite really.  I more often seek advice, from the experienced machinist, cutting the steel, than from the degreed design engineer, prior to completing a design.  It takes both views to complete the plan.  Really sad when so much credence is blindly placed on a piece of paper, and a person is put on a pedestal, fabricated solely of certified books that have been checked off and stacked.       


I am the first in a long generation of family to get a college degree, and I see the merits of one, but the last thing I would do is derogate a hard working man or woman.  You don't know me and I can't expect anyone to read my words and know exactly what I mean but you missed my message. 

Edited by cygnusx1
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"Really sad when so much credence is blindly placed on a piece of paper, and a person is put on a pedestal, fabricated solely of certified books that have been checked off and stacked."


You and I said the same thing...save that I basically stated "those uninitiated can't (or rather, shouldn't if you prefer) use the term..."

Edited by Tony D
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