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xShodaimex 260z build

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  On 1/2/2011 at 7:22 AM, xShodaimex said:

your right sonomaz I should do that. My only problem is that Im not sure if it will be in the way when I swap the l28et in it. :unsure: I shall sleep on this!


The stock A/C in my early 260 fit perfectly with the L28ET swap. No reason it shouldn't, all the A/C lines are well out of the way of the engine / exhaust and the L28ET isn't THAT different. Converted my A/C to R134-A and it works much better than I expected. Still need a blower that moves more air through the vents, but I can get < 20 degree air out of mine (on a 100+ degree day here in Phoenix... It's a dry heat!)

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  On 1/16/2011 at 5:28 AM, xShodaimex said:

when you convert to R134a do you just vacuum all the r12 out and replace it with R134a?


When you convert you really need to remove as much as the original compressor oil as you can from the system and replace it with an R134a compatible oil. The oil moves through the system with the refrigerant and R134a doesn't transport the oil used with R-12 well. In an existing R-12 system, it's unreasonable to think you'll clean all the old oil out - you don't need to. You just need to insure you get enough PAG or other compatible oil into the system to protect the compressor. So, once you get the R-12 out, you'll need to crack the system open. I've never had a good conversion result without pulling the compressor and getting as much of the old oil out as possible.


Oil collects mainly in the compressor itself and in the Receiver/Dryer on the passenger fender wall. Most A/C guys will tell you to always replace the Receiver/Dryer with a new one whenever you open the system. It's a very reasonable precaution as it's the filter that protects the entire system... They also make some conversion products that contain oil and additives to help neutralize the acid that may form in an old system - look around at the auto parts store. I didn't change the Receiver/Dryer (also called the Accumulator) on either my Son's 280 or my 260. Just got as much oil out of the compressor as I could and replaced it with a like amount of PAG.


Once that's done and the system re-assembled, you need an A/C vacuum pump on it for about 30 minutes pulling about a -30psi vacuum to remove all the condensables. Then it can be refilled with R134a. It should take slightly less R134a than the original R-12. Personally, I don't go by volume, I go by the gauge pressures and temperature performance... It's not difficult, but you DO need the right tools (including a vacuum pump and an A/C gauge set)

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Its april now and I thought I'd update my tread. I've been super busy w/ work and school so I hardly had time to work on my car. So far I just cut a hole into the passenger side fender for the oil cooler. It took me awhile since I worked on it about an hour or two ever friday . It looks pretty good so far. I'll post pictures as soon as I find a camera. I used some sheet metal and screws w/ jb weld.

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here are the pics. I gotta say its pretty ghetto rigged but it works for me :D




sheet metal was secured on the fender wall. Its pretty much locked into place alot with jb metal weld around the metal piece for a more flush finish.





Edited by xShodaimex
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That looks a little low, be careful when you drop your car(if you plan to) and did you check tire clearance?


What happened to the SS oil lines man?


Also in regards to your fan hitting the radiator, you're better off taking it off and just using 2 electric fans hooked up to either a switch or thermo switch.


Are you coming down to the MSA show?

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hey blue destiny, yeah it is a bit low. I was gonnna check how low it was but it got kinda dark. I thought about the ss lines but passed on it since I SHOULD work with what I have for now. I only guessed the clearance but its as far as I can put it for now w/o some cutting and stuff.


I want to go to MSA this year but Im pretty much booked so no MSA for me this year. Lao new year is on the 16th and I thought since I havent been to it for along time that I'd go. I WILL be going to formula drift in long beach this saturday though! My first drift event, hope its awesome as hell!!

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It looks a little low to me too, but if you have the ducted MSA skirt it looks like it might be directing the brake cooling air on that side right through the cooler. I don't think it'll hang below the bottom of an MSA skirt tho. You might be able to just rotate the bottom back a little unless you don't have wheel clearance. (besure to check spacing lock to lock.)

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Yeah my MSA airdam [240/early 260 one]is on its way and I wanted to see how if the early signal lights would interfere w/ the oil cooler. I havent checked wheel clearance yet but will do as soon as i get another day off. Pharaohabq what do you mean by rotate the bottom back?

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By rotate, I'm talking about the part that's hanging lowest, Move that back about 2-3" leaving the upper portion in place so that it's mounted similar to a Z31 radiator, angled not quite at 45 degrees, but up an inch or so higher w/o having to cut and paste. Though to do it right pulling it off and remounting it higher is probably required. See how it fits w/ your MSA airdam before making any changes...

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Just got my airdam today. looks great. I get waht your saying now. Moving it so it wont be so low. Im gonna try to do that on friday since I have the day off, by just looking, the hoses are already in the way of the corner lights. I wonder what I should do now.. well i got 2 days to think about what I plan on doing so yeah. I might just pay a visit to some shops and get some custom lines.

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Just held the Airdam up the front to see how it would look..seems I hav a problem, the corner lights are in the way of the oil cooler hose .. I might have to relocate the oil cooler. Bludestiny I found this cool place in town that deals with hydraulic hoses and fittings. They also make the hoses and stuff, So I might just make those ss hoses we were talking about.. I can't wait to check out the store!

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Visited a few shops in Fresno that deals with hoses and only one of them could do what I asked for. The damn oil cooler had a striped fitting so I got a guy who is going to weld on new fittings that will be JIC fittings. Then I also got another guy who is going to make custom hoses with the JIC fittings on one side and the other side will be new flared lines with the old fittings on it.. I'll post pics soon

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