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C'mon, this thread is FOUR years old! The thread starter is probably a world champion fiberglass guy by this time.


I don't get how newly registered people always manage to dig up threads that are old enough to owe Jesus money : >

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Don't have a freakin' stroke! Yea, it's a four year old post on fg fabrication. I did a search for more advanced composite work and this came up. Four years from now some poor soul will find this thread and might actually learn something about building sub boxes. Correct me if I'm wrong but I thought the idea of HybridZ was to share your Z knowlege, experience, mistakes, etc, for future Z enthusiasts!

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C'mon, this thread is FOUR years old! The thread starter is probably a world champion fiberglass guy by this time.


I don't get how newly registered people always manage to dig up threads that are old enough to owe Jesus money : >



Wow, get hammered for not searching, and hammered when someone does. :-D

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Do they (newbs) just not look at the dates or what? I mean really how do you dig up a four year old thread on making a sub-box. Really...


I thought the admins. encouraged adding to existing threads rather than starting new ones on the same subject. I will always add to an old thread if it pertains to the subject I am asking about.


What's the big deal with bringing up an old thread???

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