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Traffic Cams....bad? Not so fast.


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I am all for the timers on cross walks. It is easy to implement and as a driver you can easily see it as well. 99% of the time it corresponds with the timing of the yellow light.


As for the camera control... I think it could be great, but I always thought the larger risk (of a serious accident) came from people running lights when it is clearly red and cross traffic has already been going? 90% of the time I feel like people take forever to start moving when the light turns green (I think this might have to do with some automatics being snappy or slippy??). I would of never guessed that people trying to make a yellow would be causing a large risk.

Edited by rudypoochris
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I think this might have to do with some automatics being snappy or slippy??


Ah hahaha, I think it has more to do with the first guy looking at his cell phone and not noticing the green, the second guy waits for the guy in front of him to get moving before even letting off the brake, same for the third, fourth, etc.



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" I would of never guessed that people trying to make a yellow would be causing a large risk."


They aren't. Most of the red-light intersections have found this to be true. There is also an incidence of increased accidents at red light intersections...but due to the statistical questions asked, they don't get 'officially' related. The 'intersection' accidents stay the same, they may go down, but 'the road' shows an increase---they found people stopping short caused accidents, and since they are not in the intersection proper, they weren't counted or correlated to the redlight cam being installed.


I think both ped Xwalks, and the lights should have countdown timers. I spend a lot of time outside the USA now, and wherever I see those lights they just make so much more sense. There is no mistaking "10", but looking up and seeing a green light and then seeing it turn yellow (some countries flash the light 5 seconds before the light changes...great if you look long enough to register a flashing light...) you never know exactly.

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The "Yield to your right" signs also make waaaaaaay more sense than the bazillion stop signs cities plant everywhere. Think of all the gas we could save if we didn't have to stop at empty four-ways, just slow down to see if anyone's coming on your right! Unless you're the main road, then plow on.

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Crosswalks in Singapore have big letters at the curb: "LOOK RIGHT"


You would be amazed how many idiots still walk out in front of traffic.


Darwinisim is alive and well with pedestrians as well as drivers, let's not make it TOO comfortable for them!



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