Sorry for not posting in a while but I was rushing to get my 240Z finished enough to put it in a local car show. There were some more things to do in a short amount of time.
Anyway, back to posting-
Door Panel Repairs-
Both Door Panels needed to refinish the original Horizontal Chrome Trim on the upper side of the panel. See pic below.
To repair this, I purchased 1/4" Chrome Pinstriping Tape from Amazon( for $6).
First, I used a small paint brush to apply a layer of Contact Cement on the Trim Piece.
Allow the Contact Cement to dry to the touch before applying the Chrome Tape.
Apply the Tape lightly first then checking it for straightness before pressing it down with your index finger.
Trim ends with a Single Edge Razor or Razor Knife.
Closeup view of the Repaired Chrome Trim Moulding.
This repair method can also be used on Door Arm Rests.
Using Velco Heat Sleeves-
Velco Heat Sleeves were used to protect electrical wires near the exhaust from burning,
Cutting the Sleeves will allow the Velco pieces to unravel as they are only sewn on. so I use a Hot
Glue to fasten the Velco Tape on.
Heat Velco Sleeve put on Starter Wiring near the Exhaust.
Velco Heat Sleeve on Oil Pressure Sensor Wiring.
Holley 3.5" LED DISPLAY SCREEN-one of three possible screen layouts available.
Note - Easy turning of Steering Wheel with 11" wheels and 285/17 tires.
LS3 First START UP-Sounded Great!