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Here comes trouble

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Posts posted by Here comes trouble

  1. LOL... Tony click on my photos http://pg.photos.yahoo.com/ph/larryjohnson97438/album?.dir=/392a ..I have a flock of Z s The Holley question is for my 250 GTO project and the 350 SBC wiring is for the Tomahawk project. My Origin convertible Z is missing and the Tomahawk body was splashed in a clandestine operation for a fiberglass mold while I was absent the last 3 years. The 350 SBC was stripped as well as a lot of the parts to finish it. 3 years ago , Charlie and I bantered a lot about our wiring ability on this site. I used to post as Tomahawk Z. Good write up on the wiring which I will also print......thanx

  2. You should have a P79 head engine in the 1982 with flattop pistons.. This is the more desireable engine with higher stock compression.....The 1979 can either be a N42 but most likely a N47 head engine with dished pistons. Look for the head code between the first and second sparkplug . You do not want to place a later p79 head on an earlier dish piston engine since the compression will drop from 8.8 to7.4 compression ratio. Your N77 and N42 head engines with dished pistons have. a 8.3 CR..........E31,E88, N42 and N47 head engines equipped with flattop pistons will gain up to 10.4 to 10.8 CR.. You may eventually hook up your 1979 N 47 (round port) head to the flattop piston engine of the 1982 for 10.4 CR....and a lot faster car with the 1979 tranny................................. I have heard that about all these heads flow about the same. .............................................................................................................................................................First and second gear of the 1979 tranny will give you more acceleration than the taller geared first and second of the 1982 tranny but the 1982 Has a good economy cruising fifth gear... you have some good parts to diddle with.

  3. Thanx: Terry and Tony..... I have been researching 4 barrel manifolds and it looks like I should be very careful what I obtain as a manifold since uneven manifold lengths can cause bogging on acceleration.. Kind of a vanity issue since it appears the 4BBL system will look great all polished up !!!!! I printed the page and will be better prepared for my pursuit of the "perfect" 390 CFM in my search. CarTech, MSA and Arizona Z attempt to have some kind of almost equal system in their runners. I read one post that stated the best way to tune a Holley 4 BBL on a Z was to switch to Fuel Injection http://pg.photos.yahoo.com/ph/larryjohnson97438/album?.dir=/392a

  4. Nikko..youur manifold adaptation may have been offered by a company called Car Tech. I have found the following companies offered 4 BBL and usually for Holley 390 CFM application for the Z.. Clifford Research 6=8, Cannon, Offenhauser and of course Car Tech. Arizona Z and MSA may be the only company (s) offering the 4 BBl adaptation. I would like to find the Car Tech 4 BBL adaptation on eBay or a classified forum. As for equal length...I will flip a quarter over that since both appear to be an attempt at equal length... Arizona Z won !!! (this time)

  5. One problem is a person can become quite spread out on all the options available for a multitude of modifications for a Z project. Do not ditch your Z project but scale your 460 down to about 100 cubic inches less which will not take so much $ and work. I am doing my GTO 250 project on a minimum amount of money after seeing the Tomahawk project without a real well thought out plan which got out of hand with multiople modifications and parts to then have many items stolen and missing during my absence... My GTO body is loosely mounted on a running Z. My next step is the welding phase. Then comes the suspension modifications (coilover and strut shortening and bushings). Then the fiberglass improvements to the existing fiberglass body (additional flanges, scoop modification and fasteners) and the permanent fit followed by the paint. I am painting the car the original color (silver) and that will be done by Maaco when they have a sale (and about the only work I will contract out because they can paint cheaper than I can if not a whole lot better.. but I can do a lot better paint prep) I am scouting for deals on the simple later engine modifications .. 390 CFM 4 BBL and manifold (s). I will buff the aluminum engine parts. The prior advice concerning "moving" and relocations can be a serious reality for your projects.. My relocation and abscense really set the Tomahawk project back with loss of $ and my donar Z for the Origin convertible conversion is missing !!! But I am having a great rewarding time on this GTO project putting it together keeping my mind active with a learning experience. http://pg.photos.yahoo.com/ph/larryjohnson97438/album?.dir=/392a

  6. I picked up a couple Holley carburators at a garage sale. I researched and about all I could decipher was that they are 4150 or 4160 models but not the CFM rating. .......... one is a Ford Motorcraft made by Holley with #'s: E3TE-9510-RC......LIST-5003.....2432...... the second one is a Holley #:List 1850-2...1663.....These carbs were obtained for trading stock in hopes of acquiring a 4BBL 390 CFM Holley for the L 6 .. I am looking for a 4BBL 390 CFM Holley conversion to my 280 Z GTO 250 project in the future and need the knowledge to identify a 390 CFM carburator from all the rest Holleys

  7. JB...LOL you are from Austrailia and asking Americans what is legal when we cut our eye teeth watching Mel Gibson as the "road warrior".. You could top it off with a tractor cab and we would understand....Weld it up with metal and fill in with bondo/fiberglass. Austrailia cannot be as far as advenced in creating new laws as the US has become. If you can cut off tops to make convertibles here in the US then you should be able to convert semi convertibles to hard tops in the land down under and home of the "road warrior".....Up here .. we get arrested by the public interests and then sued later by the private interests....for not being in conformance with social norms.

  8. the front 280 Z front strut tubes are sectioned 2 inches and the above mentioned VW strut cartridges fit perfectly in the sectioned front 280 strut tubes.......... the stock height Datsun 280 Z front strut cartridge can be transferred to the 2 inch sectioned rear strut tubes . the 280 Z front strut cartridges transferred to the rear strut tubes require a spacer at the bottom to bring the cartridges up level to the tightening gland nut on top of the strut tube............. I just bought a pair of advertised "rear coilovers" for a Honda on e Bay for one cent ($.01). I will find out now about the inside diameter of the adjusting sleeves and the quality of the the aluminum adjusting nuts and sleeves for Z car application. I do not hold out much hope on the springs but may get them tested for pounds per inch.......

  9. Mike, I will take a shot at this to spark some interest for your question.... I have had about a half dozen z's and everyone a 280. I can't count the 4 cylinder L16,18 thru 20's I have had .... the L16 and L20 B timing chain covers do not exchange with the L 20 B being taller and for this reason I would assume the 240 and 280 timing chain covers will not interchange since the 4 cylinder engines are just smaller versions of the 6 cylinder z engines with 2 cylinders less. I have a Mexican tiiming chain gasket set with both sizes of timing chain cover gaskets for the L heads but the label lists for all 4 and six cylinders overhead cam engines except the 2800 CC 280 Z engine

  10. Every man's home is his castle unless private corporate need and greed overides that right..... who is to stand in the way of a strip mall.......absolutely disgusting interpretation of our constitional rights.....we are out fighting a handful of terrorists while China and India are flooding our markets with plastic imports that sends the world price of oil out of our reach. We got the best politicians money can buy and judges who should have retired 20 years ago.How can we make the American flag sacred when every new flag is imported from foreign countries

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