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Jay Hitchcock

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Everything posted by Jay Hitchcock

  1. Thanks..that's cheaper than the 1500 bucks just for the Quaife unit. I'll check it out. Btw should I replace the main bearings and seals while I'm in there?
  2. I'm in the final stages of the build on my Z and I believe that I've hit a SNAG. I converted the car to five lug stub axels..modern motorsport chromoly, got CV companion flanges, CV half-shafts and an R-200 diff out of a 81 280zx turbo. I have been reading alot of these threads and unless I'm mistaken, my diff is OPEN! I plan on some hardcore autocrossing and I need alot of traction. I have been considering the Quiafe ATB set-up..It sounds like what I will need for the output of this engine. Keep in mind I have done all of this due to the destruction of my original R-180. I could really use some help before I proceed. Thanks
  3. Jay Hitchcock


    Your YZ build looks trick!
  4. Jay Hitchcock


    Well..this is the last shot I took, this thing is sure looking mean!! I can not wait to drive it. I will be posting some more pics in a few weeks after the body work is finished. Later.....my fellow Z freaks!!
  5. Jay Hitchcock


    I've sectioned the spoiler to pull it back towards the body to make it flush. The stock Z headlight buckets are next to be installed.
  6. Jay Hitchcock


    The rear skins are attached to a shelf that was welded to the rear panel for structure. The rear foil was completely hand built from 6061 T6, formed around an aluminum skeleton, and then riveted to the ribs much like an aircraft wing. The uprights will be bolted to a pair of struts that are welded directly to the rear chassis...so any load will push the car down.
  7. Jay Hitchcock


    The new wheels are 10.5 in the rear and 9.5 in the front. They fill the fenders much better and flatten the rubber out.
  8. Jay Hitchcock


    The entire front end will be one piece minus the hood, and can be removed via dzus fasteners. When complete, the front will also have a splitter that extends about 6.75 inches out from the bottom of the spoiler for downforce.
  9. Jay Hitchcock


    Just got the front end fit and attached. Still finishing gaps and small detail before fiberglass. The blue tape rolls are were my fog lamps will be.
  10. Jay Hitchcock


    You have got a real kick-ass ride. I'm trying to get my front end to look close to your finished product...Amazing work!!
  11. Jay Hitchcock


    Thanks, I'm working on the body now....tough going. I will be posting some recent pics soon. Your ride is no joke, can't wait to be on the road!
  12. Jay Hitchcock


    Got the car back down on the ground 12:30 Sunday night and these pics are from today. I had the car towed into the shop to finish the body, wire the chassis, hang lexan, and install some carpet. IT WILL BE RUNNING VERY SOON!!!
  13. Jay Hitchcock

    Upper detail

    I love the open look of the new set up. I have yet to add the last supports that will capture the leading outer edge of the plates and extend down to the 1.625 vertical tube. This will triangulate and add greater strength to the plates. Well that's it for now. I'll try to post some more shots once I finish the front-end.
  14. Jay Hitchcock

    Back together

    This shot was taken on Sun. after I got her back together and on the ground. It has the same overall height as the stocker did but a alot stronger I hope. I'm now making both lower arms out of 1.25 / 0.83 chromoly tube with .75 shaft rod ends. I've increased the overall length by .75 inches to regain the slight neg. camber.
  15. Jay Hitchcock


    Well when I took this pic it was 10:45 Sat Night. It took 8.5 hours to make all of the tubes and fit them up. I've moved the sway bar on top of the frame and reinforced it. The vertical tube also holds the motor plate and ties into the main front down bar. My machinist/ cousin made these trick sloted plates out of 3/16 chromoly plate. Very nice!!!
  16. Jay Hitchcock

    Time to work!

    This is an hour later. The entire left side is removed and prepped to start fabricating.
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