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Posts posted by naviathan

  1. Sometimes refurbs are better than the brnad new ones. Quite often when a manufacturer identifies a potential failure item in a product line they won't announce it unless it becomes a high percentage problem. The ones that do fail and are sent back get refurbed with a replacement part to fix the problem. I'd buy refurbed in a heartbeat. Save money and potentially get a better product... Either way it's as good as new. The first time you strike an arc any cosmetic blemishes aren't going to matter because you'll probably create more.

  2. Vacuum leak and possibly the BCDD (Boost Controlled Deceleration Device). Search it, there's a lot of info out there on it. Oh and also check the O2 sensor. There's a green LED on the bottom of the ECU. When the car is warmed up it should flash as it reads the O2 sensor at idle and cruising. At WOT it should go out. If it's solid you need to replace the O2.

  3. .004" is what they suggest will help compression and rnig seal. I still don't see this being of any help to an engine. What does it do to the oil pump? Oil jets? Bearings? That .004" build up will accumulate over everythging and could actually bring about some serious issues with clearances on vitals parts of the engine. I don't think this is a well thought additive. To top things off I don't think it's real.

  4. Looks a bit like bull to me. There's not hard proof of anything there. The vehicles tested were tested in california, yet the company is in Iowa (or at least their PO Box is). I see no patent information, no real explanation of how it works. With a product like this I would have expected some kind of molecular level explanation of how the ceramic bonds to the metal. It's not just going to do it on it's own, there should be some sort of catalyst to create the particlate attraction. Where are the un-bias test results from what company? I don't trust it. Nice site and aside from some gramatical errors through out it's almost convincing. However I see no hard proof that this stuff even exists.

  5. You want torque, pull the injectors out more. The further from the valve the more time the fuel has to atomize which creates a better burn in the cylinder. I like the tapering. That should really increase air velocity into the cylinders. It looks like you have the right idea so far, but you may want to check out Top End Performance. They have a tripple throttle body setup that's 3 banks of two throttles instead of 2 banks of three. http://www.racetep.com

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