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Everything posted by wolfalp1592

  1. Great pics. Makes me miss NC. I am now in Florida and no such thing as snow here.
  2. On the '82 its next to the gas tank on the passenger side. There is a plastic guard that can hide the pump. If you drive up on ramps with the back wheels its easy to find.
  3. Great story and keep at it. These are great cars and you will enjoy it when its finished.
  4. The line is not visible from above but close. Mine did have a twist in it and when I replaced it I could see where it was almost worn away. If you pull it up on a ramp and look from the passenger side its easy to get to.
  5. From the early post it sounds like Ryan is not opting for finding a roller, having worked on a rust bucket for four years before deciding there really was too much rust. I would suggest the sandblast or have someone dip it to see the full extent of the rust. It looks like you need a donor car to me.
  6. I have always liked these. My link However, I did use to have a mustang.
  7. Toatl look is great. Color fender flairs. The whole car looks fantastic.
  8. Looks great. We too are replacing the carpet and hope to get it cut to fit this weekend.
  9. That looks great. I imagine it will fly once completed.
  10. Anybody have a good source for the left (passenger) side Steering Rack Boot. The Beck Arnley part number 103-2675 appears to be out of stock everywhere I have found. I have also searched for a suitable replacement based on my measurements. It appears a '83 Toyota Celica left is very similar in size length. Any other choices? Thanks for the help. One boot on one boot off is not good.
  11. Water and wire brush. Its messy.
  12. Great picture. What a proud Dad. Nice work on the car and the parenting as well.
  13. Based on the pics it looks worth the price. my 2c.
  14. Great car. Looks fantastic. This gives my 16 year old son inspiration. He just purchased his first car '82 280zx and now knows what it can look like.
  15. I am interested in the same upgrade. I am looking at front and rear upgrades for '82 280ZXT and not alot out there with out going whole rotor/hub etc. Let me know what you decide.
  16. Thanks John I didnt want take the BFH out if there was a sophisticated solution.
  17. We have a new project car for my son. '82 280zx turbo. Brakes are first to be freshened up. In inspecting the brakes I notice a lug stud needs to be replaced. Great news the seller gave us a parts bin and we have a spare disc assembly but how do you remove the hub from the disc? I have removed the four bolts from the disc to the hub but the hub appears to be pressed in place and may need to be rotated in some direction to remove. Any help?
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