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Everything posted by wolfalp1592

  1. Lucky guy, I am working on a 280 that had some fiberglass/ bondo work done about three years ago. What I am seeing (I didn't do the work so cant say what his goals were) is that where the fiberglass was one sheet and then seam joined in bondo to the body panel it has cracked and did not hold shape well.It held up better when layers of fiberglass were used and bondo was used as you are describing. Now when PO used both over rust - well that just makes me mad. Good luck
  2. Thanks Chickenman, that is very helpful info, link is nice also. I am working on a MS ECU so until then I am keeping boost very conservative, today I am limiting to 5psi until I feel good about SG1, plan on going to 9-10, I am still running 86 gas (plus) will be moving to 93 (premium) CR is slightly higher than stock, I did cc combustion chambers when off so they have brought me back to 8.3.
  3. I am having the opposite problem, I am running stock ECU, did some minor changes to get ready for more boost, Innovate SG1 - boost controller and wide band, intercooler, palnet fuel rail (stock injectors) and Summit FPR. I am running at 13.7 - 14.5 at partial throttle. I am a little nervous to try WOT until I get a little more fuel. I am already up to 45 PSI on the fuel. First time with the wide band so not sure how jumpy the AFR reacts. I am guessing at steady 2,000 RPM in neutral it should be below 14.0.
  4. Tim is correct on the availability of those parts, when I made mine it was all about location and space. I welded in a 1" tube into the steel elbow connector I was using to line up the afm flow to the turbo intake. Once I get MsS up and running I'll get rid of afm and have more options on space.
  5. Looks great, this is very inspiring. We just picked up a 76 as a project car. Both my boys are really into the Z's and this one - 76 SBC conversion should be a fun car. Best of luck with yours.
  6. I may have one, Just picked up a 76 280z and it came with a box of spare parts, seem to recall seeing seat belts in there but did not inspect those so not sure of fitment. It will be tomorrow before I can check.
  7. When I reinstalled the head on my 82 mine was 180 off, and I checked everything, as previously mentioned I wasn't on the compression stroke, to make sure I did what I think you are suggesting and moved my spark plug wires, ran perfect. It took 20 min to drop oil pump and rerun plug wires. The oil shaft does spin very easy when reinstalling and I had to be careful not to let it rotate as I installed the distributor.
  8. When you drop the oil pump you can put it back 180 out. That will cause the button to be 180 off when at TDC
  9. I made a similar move on an E46 vert. The 330 is a joy everyday. Welcome to the club.
  10. The factory boost gets a feed from the intake manifold, there is a small black plastic device that has the vacum line from the intake.
  11. I like it and it will inspire me and my 17 year old son. Way to go.
  12. Looks great. I'll remember to be on the lookout this weekend for you.I am down that way quite often.
  13. Phil, Having my first child 16 years ago I would say 3months or 6 years your choice. Will
  14. looks good. Welcome to the site and good luck with the car. I have an '82zxt and think you will enjoy the car when finished.
  15. I bought mine from here http://www.stockinteriors.com good carpet at a great price.
  16. I have a hidden switch that the PO put in as part of security. It works great. The best part is when you get the front end aligned or some other small job and the shop calls to see how to start it because the person checking the car in did not write good instructions.
  17. IMHO the balancing is the big thing. I always supply the crank pully/damper for that reason.
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