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Everything posted by cobramatt

  1. I am very humbled for the NASA magazine to have done an article about our most recent race at Road Atlanta. It does feel good when someone other than those directly around you take notice of my teams hard work and make some very nice comments. I was having a conversation with Mike Skeen today before he left for Barber Motorsports Park where he is piloting the Park Place Porsche in the Grand Am race this weekend. He agreed that most pro drivers take for granted that they can tivo the race and come home and watch their race on the TV. Someone like myself or 99% of all grassroots level racers dont have that luxury. A simple article in a Nationally published magazine means the world to me and the efforts my guys put forth. Its our 5 minutes under the spotlight and well deserved. http://www.derdizmedia.com/publication.aspx?pid=16&pkey=yqtbafxce&pageid=74
  2. Mike........Did you see the new CF end plates I made for the wing. I had a go with the neon yellow vinyl wrap stuff as well. I think it looks good. I got my motivation from the Audi R8 Grand Am car I was racing at RA. I really cant wait to put this in the tunnel and get some data. My mind is already thinking of a few variations of setup I want to see the numbers on. Great idea.........
  3. Im in. I dont want everyone to think that my data is so highly classified. We, MTI Racing, have been working for some time to produce a winning car and lots of time, effort and my hard earned has gotten us there. My car is special but not that special. Anyone who was part of the group would have the opportunity to learn from each others cars and we as a whole could improve our set up. I know that between myself, Mike, Marc and a few others this would be money well spent.
  4. The Callahan car. I was talking with the crew from Freedom Autosports at one of our races. They manage the car for him and said they were interested in our new sequential gearbox and paddle shifters for that car. Small world......... Mike did a 1:27.9 in my car on an open track qualifying line. My best time at Road Atlanta is 130.3. This is why he gets paid and I pay other people. The difference on this level of two seconds is huge. To some people that may not seem like much, to me its light years. Its not like he was going to show me how to be much quicker on the track it was to get his data and set up input. He test drives cars for loads of teams and manufacturers and I found his input dead on. I fell it was money well spent. Here's a great video......... http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RtPG3CaeGa0
  5. Why did I pay him when all I had to do was ask you? Mike said the first thing was to add real good adjustable shocks. We have not even had an opportunity to discuss how we could accomplish this. This is where I wish I had just done a tube frame car from the beginning. I also know that a real good pair of Moton adjustables with remote reservios' are around $12,500 for a set, (I'm presently open for all donations). The front splitter, he said would work better if we were to extend it out another 3 inches, he also said that if the underside of the car had better aero, etc.....He does realize that this is a Vintage car and not a Porsche so certain things that can be done to most newer race cars don't apply to the Z. The fact is that we have reached a plateau with the car and these changes will make it faster, but not a huge step forward. It seems that the ultimate performance threshold for this particular car is not far off. I could build another one and make it faster by re engineering everything from the start but thats not what I was trying to do with this car. I am very happy with what we have done and feel confident I will be able to continue winning in this car with the present set up. Some cheaper ideas were to go with much stiffer spings up front to keep the car from porpoising as much. I just replaced them a month ago. I am going to put together a budget to put a sequential gearbox (20k), a 9inch rear end(4k), vents for the positive pressure in the fenders(2k), adjustable shocks (???) and some additional undertray aero(???). I will then be able to make an educated decision on whether the juice is worth the squeeze. I'm alraedy aware that I'm one of the only human beings dumb enough to consider it much less do it. I wonder if I should have just figured out if I could have fitted a Z body on a corvette frame a long time ago. On another note.........The new wing endplates worked great.
  6. I really appreciate the kind words. I have been fortunate to have some very talented people around me that have assisted in the build of this car. If not for their hard work none of this would be possible. I post these things to share with my online forum family for everyone to enjoy. I am a grassroots driver/builder/head janitor and dont deserve any sort of praise. It does feel good when someone posts that they are inspired by what they see we have done. I hope for more of that than anything.......... Yesterday, Monday at Road Atlanta I hired Professional Racer and test driver Mike Skeen to coach me and give input on my Z. It was a wet and cold day for the most part, but we did manage one dry session in the am. I will post the video. My best time in the car at RA was 130.3. Mike was able to best my time by 2 seconds in one session. We downloaded all of his data and it is mine to study. It is very small areas that are different, a 1/10th here, 2/10ths there. He gets paid and drives Grand Am and World Challenge cars 5 days a week. I learned so much from our time together and it will make me a better driver. I knew that he would be faster and I would learn a few tricks of the trade but more importantly I wanted his input on the set up of the car. He sat down with me and the crew and discussed his impressions and what he feels is the most important areas for us to address going forward. This is where you say.............So what did he say? Thats a secret for now. $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ is the answer most of the time if that helps. The real lesson here is that no mater who you are and how great your car is or how many people say good things..............There is always room for impovement and areas we can learn more about ourselves and ways we can become better if we seek guidence and coaching.
  7. A quick video of some of the highlights of the MTI Racing 240Z at the NASA SE Pot O Gold race at Road Atlanta this past weekend. There were three splits, first the Porsche Cayman GT field, then the American Iron rungroup, then our field of SU and ST cars. This race is the first race that I can remember that we did not have any double yellow flags or any major accidents. It was all out for 45 minutes of hard racing. The race started off with me in the P2 spot and my teamate and MTI owner in the P1 inside position. He qualified 1/10 of a second off our time. The race director for the SE asked to speak to us after the drivers meeting. He said "The first two splits will have a pace car and ya'll will be responsible for your own pace. I know the two of you and please dont wreck the whole field going into turn one. Please be nice". We agreed and when we were coming under the bridge down thru T12 I think we both forgot any conversation and it was a drag race to turn one. I was able to take T1 and never looked back. My crew chief kept saying over the radio that we have a long race and for me to pace myself, if we maintained our position we would win our division. I replied with "Whats the gap to the leader of the race"? In dramatic fashion we were able to surpass the #09 Porsche of Dan Martinez on the white flag lap and take the overall race victory. Day's like this day are what make all the hard work and $$$ worth it. We also in the process were able to set a new personal best and break my previous track record with a new race time of 1:30.3
  8. David, "The thrill for me is do the most possible with what I have". That sounds like my sex life. I would race shopping carts if that was what my budget allowed. Having children and being responsible for their needs is clearly understood. I was not allowed to breed and have very little adult responsibility. Those college tuition fees are sitting in my garage.
  9. David, Agreed. I have been in a few high speed accidents and I guess I harp on Hans, belts and such prior to even getting on track. I think by attending a drivers race class as #1, they provide everything and it gives someone an oportunity to see if they like it and test the waters so to say. I advise on the $500 insurance waiver at all costs. I do however like having a set of track wheels and tires. After a two day weekend most of my tires are history so I dont see driving home on them, or if something happend like a bent rim or flat I wouldn't be stranded. I do understand your point of keeping costs down though. One comment you made on driving to and from events on the same tires keeps the costs down and you from going to fast ??? Isn't that the point of going to the track?
  10. I appreciate the comments about the build and thank you for hearing my reply. I would be glad to make any suggestions on the parts to add to any car, much less a Z car, to make it safe and enjoyable for the track. If someone asked me what should I do to a Z car so I can go to the track and really have fun. I would start with these things and then go from there. These are listed in order of importance. Dont get #8 before you have #3 and so on. A minimum two day instructional race class. (Skip Barber) Helmet with snell approval Hans device Fire extinguisher (for incar mount) Safety harness bar 4 point minimum (5 point recommended) saftey harness Driver side competition style seat. BRAKES, BRAKES, BRAKES BRAKES, BRAKES, BRAKES (this is not a typo...) a spare set of wheels (dedicated track set) track tires mounted on the spare wheels These are some minimal items I would suggest and please notice all of these items are about safety. The brakes can make you faster but more importantly they keep you safe. Only until I have these items in place do I ever recommend someone start to improve the suspension, mod the engine, add aero, etc.... Please feel free to ask me any questions moving forward as I enjoy helping out. I wish you all the success with your build and encourage track time enjoyment. I just know how dangerous it can be if the proper steps aren't taken prior to getting on track. I suggest looking into this group. The HPDE 1 program will be the perfect place to start. Google NASA Racing. NASA RM/TX P.O. Box 460442 Aurora CO 80046-0442 972-584-9375 texas@drivenasa.com http://www.nasatx.com/
  11. Thank you for your nice comments. I would never try and deter someone from road racing or building your dream car. I just want to go on the record for saying this once. "DRUGS WOULD HAVE BEEN CHEAPER" I have always been around Z cars. I had one when I was 16 as my first car and I'm 50 now. It is like my first love and she could never be outdone...............That being said. If I were your driving instructor, and I do instruct quite a few racers. I could build you a car that would outrun just about any car on the track for what I spent to build my Z. You could spend half of what I have spent and build the most incredible Corvette you could imagine. ANYWAY. I hope that doesn't deter you but, the car is extremly hard to drive and very dangerous. If this is your first road course car I would suggest something different. This is not to say you eventually dont end up in an LSZRC but get something like a Thunder Roadster or a Spec E30 or a Spec Miata. Your Laughing right now...... Hear me out. You might not like road racing. I would rather you spend $18K on a brand new Thunder Roadster and go learn what its all about, then build a $250K that no one, but an idiot like me, would buy from you. It that takes a team of guys doing R and D for a few years just to get it to the point it is. I didnt just buy a kit and bolt it on my car. The majority of my car is fabricated one off parts. My car is a pain in the ass. Would I have it any other way? NO. Is it one of the coolest cars at the racetrack? YES. Does it kick ass and take names? YES. If you had the money to really do it right, would I build one for you? YES. I just want you to buy a glass of milk before you buy the cow. Please consider the comments I've made. I hope you build one even faster than mine, but having it done in 4 months like you said.................NOT IN A MILLION YEARS. I hope you are a patient man.
  12. Mike, We are going to start making some different composite (Carbon Fiber) pieces for Corvettes. I was wondering where you are sourcing these louvered vents. This was one of the items that we didn't get to on my car over the winter but after this weekends race I am making it a priority to get done. I have searched and searched and not been able to find anybody selling any "universal" CF vents. There are some cheesy non functional type stuff but you know what I'm looking for. Until we are up and running with the composite shop, which wont be until late summer, I need these items. Help me out........
  13. The break in of the new engine, tranny, and suspension set up went very well. I was able to instruct for PBOC this past weekend and get all my testing done at Road Atlanta for free. The day started with the usual three laps, come in and check the data, put it up and check for any leaks and so on. By the later part of the afternoon we were finally getting a little more speed in the car and giving some ride alongs when this absolutely beautiful R8 Grand Am car passed us and I decided to give chase. Nothing at full speed as they were dialing in their car as well, but nonetheless it was fun. I do believe he might have said at least once "Is their something wrong with my car or is that a Z car on my tail?" Below is the link to watch some of the video............
  14. Jon, I was running 400f and 300r. I have gone to 500f and 400r. I was running the softer and not a large bar to get the power to the ground. We have been able to utilize aero to assist in that so we have stiffened the car up and we will maybe even go a little stiffer up front based on threashold braking and the pads were testing. I have always run a Carbotec 20front and 12rear. I am trying out new carbotec's and a padget set and will see what works best. One set is designed for more initial bite. We just replaced the rotors and did some modification to the control arms that I think are going to pay dividends. I will be taking three laps, coming in and checking data, three laps come in check data and so on. Hopefully by the end of the day we have a good understanding of our weakness' and strengths.
  15. OK............I think I am going to get the Datsun out on the track and break in the re-built engine, the re-built tranny, the new spring rates all around, the new.... well there are a few new items I want to test first. Our first NASA race this year is March 9-10 at Road Atlanta. I am going to instruct this weekend at Road Atlanta for a PBOC event and the weather is not looking very good, (GOD please dont give me someone who wants to show me how fast he can go around RA based on his Forza experience). We will wait and see. Wet track and my Datsun equals bad things. I might just take the Vette on PSS'. I'm looking forward to another season running in the unlimited class of the Vintage division and there are some new comers to the field that will prove to very exciting. There is a Chin event at RA on March 18th, a Monday, that the team will be at if anyone wants to join us. Lets have a great 2013 and remember its all for fun................. Matt #88
  16. Thank you guy's for the comments. I think the Vette did turn out great. No one believed in my vision until the 11th hour then everyone jumped onboard like they had loved it from the beginning. Then again I live in Atlanta and every fan here loves a winner in the end but is not really that supportive along the way. I guess this all goes with the territory. Matt
  17. I have finally finished the re-build of my C5 racecar that had a little mishap earlier this year. It certainly, as usual, turned into much more than I ever imagined. Maybe my imagination is the source of the problem, who knows. I replaced just about everything. Upgraded just about everything. She's ready to go. I have actually done something different in that I have taken a 100% ST2 C5 Racecar and transformed it into a street/track car. I have made her street legal and can't wait to see if she breaks some knecks. Is she practical? No, but nothing I drive is practical or comfortable for that matter. She fits right in. My Datsun, pictured on the lift, we've taken the engine and tranny out. The tranny, I'm installing new carbon fiber syncro's and cleaning everything good. The engine is in a million pieces and we are replacing all the small parts on the engine so we stay away from buying big parts during the season. Suspension were changing the spring rates on all four corners. Were replacing the windshield with a new Lexan one. She needs some body work from the beating she took last year, some fresh paint and stickers and she'll be ready for our first NASA race, March 8-9-10 at Road Atlanta. Having the Corvette back really pays dividends when I want to be on the track so much but cant afford to pound on the Datsun all the time. The Corvette picks up all the slack...... I also have never owned a racecar that I could just drive to the track event, do my thing and then just drive home. Matt
  18. Mike, To be honest some of the guys here on the Forum got together and payed the potential buyer a visit and I dont think you'll be hearing from him again. He was threatening your ability to get back out on track with Z car sooner rather than later. We just couldn't stand to see that........... Matt p.s.........Keep up the good work with the 383 and nobody else will get hurt.
  19. FYI........ Summit Racing has brand new sub $3K LS1 crate motors right know they are blowing out. No Tax and No shipping, even to a residential address. I know you already have one on site, but this is worthy info.......... You might find that you need to add your goodies to it to make it "race" worthy but thats still a great deal. Since we were takling so much about the LS setup I thought I would mention this on your thread. Matt
  20. I will admit I love working on cars. Race cars even more so. I hate going to the track and paying my fees and then the car not be right or something breaks and I cant even take her out..............HOWEVER, I still would rather be at the track with a car at 75% than have any car in the garage at 100%. If you were to be a spectator at the track and you see the run group go by and there is this one car that is just slow as hell or smoking real bad. Everyone always thinks, Damn that must suck havin to drive that POS. Ask the guy driving it and he'll tell you about how much of a blast it was to be out on track. Matt
  21. A.D.D. usually works for me but sometimes its nice to just make a simple plan and stick to it. You'll have more fun on track with a simple set up, that you already know, than you will not at the track while building the ultimate "neverending" setup.............. When's the last time you were at the track? If you do sell it and go with the LS setup, which I am obviously partial to, do you have a setup and installation plan in place or are you going to be starting over as far as how everything marries up to one another. I'm behind you either way it just sounds like another setback....... I am at the point of my life where I firmly understand I have a better time on the track than I do off the track. Matt
  22. Mike, It is called Novus. It is a three step cleaning and polishing process. I am very happy with how this product keeps all my lexan very clean. Here is a link I looked up for the first step bottle. If you get them get all three bottles. http://www.jegs.com/i/Longacre%20Racing/441/63500/10002/-1?sendroicid=bbef8492-2d00-41d6-b158-38db0de2603c&catargetid=1716046196&sendroikwd=%7Bkeyword%7D&gclid=CIiM3ILtx7QCFQcHnQodkgIApA Matt
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