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Everything posted by auxilary

  1. If camshaft was a first gen rx7. why the hell would anyone call an rx7 transformer "camshaft"?!?!??!?!?!
  2. i lined up against one in person. silved one going to an onramp onto 880. I rowed through gears in the neon, he casually drove. I shifted at 7k, and it was nothing. I did it just so I could get a better look at the car before he disappeared. That dude was probably shifting at 3k and laughing at me
  3. http://forums.s2ki.com/forums/showthread.php?s=&threadid=116370
  4. Offtopic, this brings about an interesting question about vegans and oral sex....
  5. i think peta was overrun by sarcastic cynical carnivores. i love it.
  6. I do. Because he didn't wear the required neckbrace which probably would've saved him.
  7. nitrous fed into cam cover. still nothing wrong with it?
  8. http://forums.s2ki.com/forums/showthread.php?s=&threadid=174075&perpage=25&pagenumber=1
  9. LOL! I won't take credit for that, but here's a thread from fark with LOTS of super funny (and some obscene) photoshops: use caution here: http://forums.fark.com/cgi/fark/comments.pl?IDLink=782924
  10. There are just as many harley riders without gear as there are crotch rocket riders without gear. In fact, some of the gear harley guys wear is relatively questionable, as it's more of a fashion statement than protection. Leather chaps without ass covers aren't going to save the meat in a lowside. I agree with Chaparral, it's a basic freedom to do what you want. If someone wants to ride without a helmet and wind up like the tard I posted the pics of, let them. We have too much liberal control, imo. If I want to drive without a seatbelt, I should have every right to without being financially punished. As I've said, I've never ridden without a helmet or jacket, except when testing my bike around the block, and that was in a gated community at 5-10 mph with NO possibility of traffic. I've ridden to/from work in middle of June, when it was 105* outside, and you bet your ass I was wearing boots, protective pants, and a thick riding jacket with gloves. I brought a spare shirt with me because one got soaked with sweat. Pop N Wood: now you're just picking for technicalities, by pointing out petew's avatar. How do you know the road wasn't blocked off by the police on both ends, monitored, and the pic wasn't taken for MotorCycle magazine? (Which, I believe it was, since I think I have that issue lying around somewhere.) You've never done a donut or a burnout in public?
  11. don, i'm sorry to hear that. at least with this guy, he won't charge any medical bills to the state: only caltrans will be called in for clean up.
  12. darwin's way of weeding out the stupid. If someone wants to be able to ride without a helmet, they should be allowed to. If I want to drive without a seatbelt, I should be allowed to. Of course, I don't do either, but it should be a basic freedom.
  13. oh, i got it! You know how he gathers his thoughts? With a sponge!
  14. on3go, i need to hang around you and the girls you know
  15. if money is the root of all evil, why do churches want it?
  16. Dan: I agree, I said the same thing at the show to my buddy AJ (the mopar guy with the Fury, you met him at KitCar meet, I think). It's too bland, imo. Joe: It's a viper. The srt-10 is just a designation. Just like the SRT-4 is still a Neon.
  17. cost, impracticality, extra support. don't forget the weight of the compressors to drive the airbags. You might just want to look for progressive rate springs and KYB shocks
  18. yes, very many middle aged guys with families will be driving these, the replacement for the camaro. their e-cocks will grow 3 inches!
  19. use rubber gloves while you're at it. no, not for that 'stranger' effect. for packaging and handling the tape. actually, if you want to be really clever, put a single 37 cent stamp on it, and the return address for his home. Almost free shipping, the tape will be sent back due to lack of proper postage!
  20. Uh, that's the current viper model, dude. It's already been on sale for a while http://www.dodge.com/viper/index.html?context=homepage&type=top
  21. nice Yes please fake plastic exhaust and differential. moostang. more moostang Hey, where's the rotor? My friend AJ making use of the Evo spoiler as a coffee table to read the magazine Draw your own conclusions Saturn redline interior. nice. except for the dashboard. and interior. Ok, just the seats. Chevy Aveo. The dude next to me commented it was ugly. I said I squeezed better looking turds out of my ass. The Chevy spokesperson lady chuckled quietly. Hey OLD MAN! It's me de GOAT! Put up your dookes! But I ain't got no fuckin' dookes! She was hot, nice butt More goodness here: http://www.datsunracing.com/gallery/20040111sjautoshow overall, it wasn't worth $8 i paid
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