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Everything posted by Some-Guy

  1. I used just regular 1/2 inch grade 5 plated bolts. I had ear buds in! I work in a loud environment I gota protect my ears. I want to raise the front eventualy but it has coil springs in so it will a hell of alot more work. Thats a project for a long weekend.
  2. I got this idea the other day to flip the shackle mount over to move the spring down to gain a few inches. I searched around to see if there was any info on this swap and there is but not a whole lot looks like most people buy a new bracket or use a spring hanger from an F350 to raise it even more. The average hight gain was apparently 4-6 inches I didn't get that much. I also didn't move the bracket down I just flipped it and reused the original mounting holes. I drilled them out to 19/32" first. I Just used grade 5 plated bolts should be more than enough for this setup. Heres the pics This is the 'original ride hight' The original shackle setup: The shackles are riveted to the frame. The easiest way to get them off I thought was to grind the heads off and then hammer them out. The brackets didn't come off after the heads were ground down and I couldnt hammer the rest of the rivet out either. So I grabbed the trusty air hammer and the bracket came off easy and I managed to shoot the rivets about 15 Feet out the side of the truck! I got em off then cleaned them up for reinstall. I also drilled the holes out too 19/32" on the brackets so there was lots of room to move the brackets around. The washers also easily cover this size hole. Got underneath wire brushed those spots on the frame and spray bombed them black too. Then mounted them back up you can do this without dropping the tank BUT be prepped to have a hell of a time getting the nuts and washers on the nut. Anyone walking by while I was reinstalling heard a few choice swears. Then my daughter walked up smacked me and sternly said DONT SAY THAT WORD DAD. Then walked back in the house Hilarious! The only problem with the shackle this way is when there is alot of flex the bolt holding the spring on interferes with the mount so I hacked it off. Looks good from the back and I gained about 2 3/4" which was less than I expected But I drove it around for abit and the ride is alot nicer with thisflip. Lemme Know what you guys think. Eventually I want to try and Move the mounts at both ends of the springs down 3 Inches each. Mount a plate up there or something havnt decided on a plan of attack yet.
  3. Awesome. Ill have to give that a go lol.
  4. Yea not too shabby altho I cant find any info on it yet.
  5. I just picked this up from a guy for free I guess he never used it so I scooped it up. Good ole' craigslist! It seems to be in good shape and works pretty good. You can also adjust it both ways in 1 degree incriments! The only problem with it is that on the thread to attach the blade is an ACME and its missing the fence and table top. I have been looking all over the net and calling companies to see if I can find a fence for it no one has any info on it. A bastard model I guess... The model number is 113.29441C mfg no# is 1272 if you know anything about it lemme know. Otherwise Iam going to have to build a fence at work.
  6. I had my truck stolen and totally rat bagged after the ripped the interior apart to steal the stereo and ALL the speakers. It was an 87 pathfinder with 300,000 something clicks on it but it had a damn straight body a few paint chips got it back smashed up running rough as hell the rear end was bent the exhaust mostly ripped off. The worst part was ICBC refused to cover any of it since the said that because there I was rust on it was faking the claim then had to have this big sit down with some cops and bla bla it was really stupid. I fought with them for a while and gave up couldn't afford a lawyer at the time. Atleast that nightmare is over and I am glad you got it back with minimal damage cudos to the police!
  7. thats hilarious. silly yahoo's.... Also I would be cool with bullets hitting my house ALL DAY LONG if they hit in that form HAHA.
  8. Looks like you have it well planned out man. Sounds like its going to be pretty wild and bloody FAST
  9. Looks good so far! I was basically taking and moving but just starting the tack was blowing holes in Iam trying to find some one with a mig that will let me borrow it!
  10. I cut up another half inch or so and removed that it should be into the decent metal now. No worries Sam I gave up on the high heat after blasting a few holes in! I got it mostly patched mostly nothing alot and I mean ALOT of grinding wont fix now haha.
  11. AHHH Ok I think I can do this Iam going to grind it all off tomorrow and start again I just need to get some smaller rods this 1/8 crap is too huge and at 70 amps I cant even lay a 1/4" bead. the flux goes every where like its a decent bead but then when I chip it off she looks like utter hell! Anyone live close to me that wants to lend me the use of their mig for a while????
  12. good god that is a whole bunch of idiots who know NOTHING about what there trying to talk about. its retarded......... altho I did get a chuckle out of it.
  13. I tried low amps I was down to 70 amps with a 1/8th 7014 rod and it was too hard to start. lam going to see if we have some small rods at work tomorrow. hell I would be happy to use a horribly cheap mig right now! atleast it would do this job.
  14. Yea I cant make it work I tried moved the panel up 1/2" and I blew through pretty bad still I need to find some one with a mig or a tig machine. This stupid AC stick welder is making me MAAAAAAD.
  15. Ill give it a go and If turning the heat up doesnt help Ill cut the pannel off and make a new one to go higher up which I guess is what I should have done originally. Thanks for the tip I never woulda though of that!
  16. Yea thats a pretty wicked idea I bet you could shave some weight doing that too.
  17. This job should require less than an 1/8th of bondo Iam thinkin anyway considering I bent the piece of the edge of my bench with a hammer its pretty damn straight. I need to borrow some ones mig welder to finish since my work said I can not weld in the shop its an explosion hazard (my ass).
  18. Ahh Went back yesterday for round two and got the truck so flexed that the windshield broke . . . . and on the way out after that maneuver I it a tree stump or something and pushed the side of my box in. Hammered it out today not so noticeable. I dont think Ill be taking it out like that again to expensive.
  19. I was having a real bad problem with blowing through. Iam not worried about warping it at all since its already horribly warped and there was about an 8th of bondo on there anyway. Iam going to bondo it up and try and match the original shape as best I can. During the week Ill be starting on the other side since it has abit of rust bubbling coming in also.
  20. I smashed off a chunk of bondo and found this hole on saturday.We were wheelin and I landed on a big ass rock and smashed the step so I just pulled them off. They probly can be repaired but I didnt like em anyways. So I ground it out and formed this piece of sheet metal and started to weld it in only to find my stick welder was WAYY to hot for this. Ill be finishing the welding job at work tomorow with one of our migs. Hows it look so far? keep mind this is the first time I have ever tried anything like this.
  21. We took the truck up Eagle ridge?? I think thats what it is anyway. Pretty damn good trail. There was some mud to rip through and some good rock obstacles and steep grades and such. Does damn good off road for mostly stock we didnt get very far in my daughter HATED the bumping all over the place but it was still fun we just followed the high tension lines in. I might go back tomorrow we'll see. Was all good except for SLAMMING (and i mean really hard) the front diff on a big ass rock and then I slipped into a big ass rut and smashed the drivers side step up pretty good which blew a big chunk of bondo off and exposed a big huge rusted out area. Atleast I found it before it could spread. Anyone in the vancouver-ish area that wants to take a tour up there one day too? would be alot funner with 2-3 trucks since I dont have a winch or anything and some of it gets pretty hairy. heres a few pics heres a smashed up and burnt nissan I think looked like it anyway didnt stop to investigate.
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