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Everything posted by Some-Guy

  1. Strange this thread is on here I just started researching chevette motor swaps in the last 2 days and this popped up. Any further progress on the car?
  2. I Cant even comment on that one.......................
  3. wow 4 and tiwns is tooooo many ill stick with 2 healthy ones and be happy!! My daughter is 2 already so they will be the perfect age gap
  4. Just found out today Ill be having another baby in 9 months or so!!! Iam pretty damn excited since my daughter just turned 2 in nov. Ill have my 2 kids before Iam 23! Ill have to get all my toys together in the next couple months cause after that ill be really broke again for year lol! Cant wait!
  5. wow WOW There is NO car left.
  6. Base Price: € 1,127,210 (£757 359, $1,440,800) Engine type: quad-turbocharged and intercooled DOHC 64-valve W-16, aluminum block and heads, direct fuel injection Displacement: 7993 cm³ (488.8 in³) Performance ratings : Zero to 60 mph (97 km/h): 2.5 s Zero to 100 mph (161 km/h): 5.5 s Zero to 150 mph (241 km/h): 11.3 s Zero to 200 mph (322 km/h): 22.2 s Zero to 400 m : 10.8 s @ 225km/h (140mph) Zero to 250 mph (402 km/h): 55 s [4][5] Zero to 100 km/h: 2.5 s Zero to 200 km/h: 7.3 s Zero to 300 km/h: 16.7 s Zero to 400 km/h: 55 s [6][7] Top speed (Electronically Limited): 253 mph (407.5 km/h) Theoretical Top Speed: 257 mph (414 km/h) [8] Fuel economy: EPA city driving: 8 mpg U.S. (30 L/100 km) EPA highway driving: 15 mpg U.S. (16 L/100 km) Steady 253 mph (407.5 km/h): 2.1 mpg U.S. (115 L/100 km)
  7. that was one was Ok I like this one better http://www.albinoblacksheep.com/flash/animator
  8. get a good mask then that makes a big diff well atleast one that feals good on your head anyway
  9. yea goggles are for gas welding only! get a nice auto darkening wide view helmet!
  10. also I love the pictures this new digital camera takes!
  11. Ok Picked up an aluminum pulley rebored it took the other one back And The alt spins at 6576 rpm now the pulley was a SUPER cheap casting i Could only get it to run within about .025!! its got a bit of a wobble but its working. The next problem is that the power supply DIED it cant hanlde the load and the output drops to 3 volts and it starts smoking alot lol. and I can get strike an arc really easy now since I just hooked it up to a battery but I know why they say use atleast a 90amp alternator this one is much to weak there is no penatration I can only run surface beads and since the arc is so weak You can easily get the stick stuck. Once I find a new alt Ill build a proper cage and figure out how to get a headlight dimer working as a way of voltage regulation . . . its on hold till that happens.
  12. Had a scrap jetta towed away today and the guy gave me an alternator only a 60 amp one but it will work fine 32-40 volts at 40-60 amps is enough for now. I just spent an hour and 20 minutes boring the taper lock coupling to fit the shaft its a weird size .669" the taper lock was .626" and it took a damn long time hand feeding and only being able to take a .003" per side cut! now the taper lock is .671 and fits nicely not sure of the hold since it doesnt really get alot of grip on the shaft only about 3/8 engagement I might take it back tomorow and get an aluminum pulley and bolt it on with lock washers we'll see how this works first. Pics tomorow once I start assembly. oh yea I forgot I built a 0-17 volt power supply but it will only handle a 1-1 1/4 amp draw not sure if it will even hold up guess we'll find out!
  13. Just picked up the old 5 hp comp motor from the other and a bunch of steel for the frame so for the cost for this is ZERO. Iam going to build an adjustable power supply to control the alternator which I still have to get. all I need now is the leads ands iam ready to roll. going to go pickup a ton of extra steel right after I get off here just incase I decide to get fancy. Ill post some pics tomorow if I get any of it done. ohh if anyone has an adjustable power supply that can handle 0-17 volts dc with a 3-6 amp draw let me know! I dont really want to build one and I have been searching for a cheap used one but no luck. Ok Iam off ciao Mike,
  14. there both horrible... good for parts the second one.
  15. weld it with stick, stainless stick welding is retardedly easy and it ALWAYS looks pretty.
  16. awesome cant wait for the vids hopefully ill be testing firing something in the near future
  17. yea well my insurance will go through the roof assuming they cover anything but there refusing to cover any damage because I didnt actualy hit the other car. Basically Iam up Sh*t Creek... Iam so overly annoyed because I had a beater in the snow and drove Like a total spazzzzzz I had a hell of a great time in that car but as soon as I get a really nice new car I take my sweet time trying to be safe and I crash.................I should chased that dick down and kicked some ass. oh well they figure 600$ to fix it depending on the extent of the damage. Ill have to check it out this weekend I might be able to save the labour doing it myself.
  18. Got alota snow today and most of the people here CANT drive in it took me 2.5 hours to get accross the bridge and make the 7km trip to work! I was an hour and a half late (I have to leave an hour early On good days to beat the traffic). ohh but it gets worse... Apperntly it was only going to snow abit today but it snowed all day which made the drive home hell and to avoid an accident at 40k today (some jerkie locked em up on a main drag for no real reason) I slid around him barely missed his truck I dont know how the hell I did but I did almost got it back to and then slammed into the curb DAMN HARD. Sat there for about 30 seconds yelling alota profanities out the window....hehe and then got moving and to top it of the guy that I missed didnt even stop to see what happend just took off. The front wheel has a six inch section missing out of it now and the tire has since gone flat. I had to drive home with the wheel 3/4 of a turn to the left just to drive straight. And it took just about as long to get home! It was already dark by the time I got in so I wont know the extent of the damage till tomorow altho I can see the wheel is tilted out at the top about 3 inches... I guess Ill phone the insurance company tomorow see what they can do. so much for the new family car :fmad::fmad::fmad::fmad: (iam fuming mad)
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