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Everything posted by Some-Guy

  1. You guys think its possible to stick a 454 into a Z car? I can get a running 454 for around 300$ here so iam seriously conisdering it what ya think?
  2. holy crap what a frikken moron!!! haha looks like total write off i would be so embarassed i wouldnt leave the house for a month
  3. right on! my wifes cousin races those things
  4. hey you never know might be able to fix something else with parts of these things
  5. haha thats hilarious worked apperntly. altho idd have to say I like the old rims better............................
  6. wow thats actualy kinda cool I wonder how it'll stand up on a car tho...
  7. Well Iam just looking for some good reading material that some one might have run accross stuff like Engine Building roll cage building general car building stuff I suppose.. I 'can' do most of I just wanna learn how to do it RIGHT. I will for sure be getting the jags that run manual when I actualy figure out what kinda car Iam getting
  8. Ohh that works thanks
  9. oh man I seriously wish I had too much money
  10. thats wild ehh altho i hate it when all you can hear is bass and nothing else annoys the hell out of me..
  11. How long do I have to be a member before I can post a wanted add??
  12. I wish i had a z period lol, iam still hunting for one
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