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Everything posted by Some-Guy

  1. I second that one man I have had stuff in my eye 4-5 times now and I do the blink and tack but i atleast turn my head...
  2. If you dont have one and need a chop saw try the princess auto one its abit weak but it cuts straight and works slower than a dewault but for 88$ iam pleased. Going to head down to the shop and build a drill press stand and a chop saw stand now
  3. millers are FANTASTIC I love them Have one at work its amazing this princess auto one is just fine it works great and I havnt noticed any problems with my eyes you might need to darken it up abit that might help too. The Helmets are on sale for another 4 days for 55 from 100 so you might want to pick one up asap.
  4. oh bummer... call and bitch atleast?
  5. I just went down to princess auto and picked up their auto darkening helmet adjustable from shade 9-13 No button for grinding tho But it works Great! And the very best part is that right now they are on sale for 55$!!!!!! If you have a non auto darkening rush out and get one of these they work great for the price only thing is for about 5 minutes before your going to weld let it sit close to a light source other than that like I say its great Iam happy.
  6. You should head down to the shop and do some serious ass kicking I would be Supremely pissed if that was on my car and I PAID for it.
  7. I have an scsi controller already the price of drives has stoped me from buying them. Ill check into SATA more. First things first tho I really need a new video card I still have a 128mb Geforce Ti4200.... agp 4x eww.
  8. SATA is where iam going next or scsi not sure will be a while off my gaming machine is still agp I want to go pci-e with dual vid cards!
  9. thats awesome I bought 2 sets so my car stops twice as fast.
  10. Well Its not really a fire hazard It stays rather cool in there with the fan box. One of the machines is my server its got 2 160 gigs and an 80 and the other machine is my gaming machine its got a 40 and an 80 gig. there usualy full! I like the way the burner sticks out but its actualy not easy to get stuff in and out of the machines this was just my first attempt at it eventualy Iam going to dismantle the machines put the stuff back in there abit more orderly. I can do this cause well I dont have Z anymore! and iam bored lol
  11. well you take your 2 comps stacked ontop of each other beside your desk dismantle them and merge them into your desk drawer! Works pretty good except that if you pull the drawer all the way out you will smash the moniter and keyboard plug off... heat was an issue so I built that fan box today and slapped it all back together. It was a double drawer for files so I took the top handle out and put the burner there works pretty good. My wife said I was a Supreme nerd. What do you guys think?
  12. I like them pipes too, should be mean lookin when shes done.
  13. thats is super cool man great work ! I like how you have all those tools on a surface table hehe
  14. just plain cool if they were cheaper a few of them around the top of your garage would look awesome.
  15. Yea it should be super cool I cant afford to buy one right away so over the next say 2-4 years I can throw a couple hundred a month into and see what happens. Plus your right the help from a pro will give me a serious advantage. Iam a little nervous about tackling it but one a step at a time and it should be ok!
  16. Nice Bike, Iam thinking about getting a Harley or something or building a bike from scratch a friend of a friend builds bikes for a living so I can atleast get cheap used parts If I do a fair bit of my own work I can have a pretty decent bike for under 7000 cad all used parts of course.
  17. after watching the rest of it now lol high speed machining is so cool light depth of cut heavy feed and super high spindle rpm just too cool.
  18. Hey cool i used to do stuff like that 3d things like that are hard to program.... I ran a matsuura one time cool machines and fast. No rotary table on the one I ran tho.
  19. Iam thinking Ill swap a 350 In one. Hunting for a car and 350 or bigger as we speak. There is actualy an 83 vette' about an hour from here with a 350 and turbo 350 tranny in it already for 500$ might just pick that up for the motor tranny if there in good shape! we'll see what happens.
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