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Posts posted by bschiltz

  1. how's he doing?

    He's doing pretty well. He's pretty stubborn so he works in his garden on his acreage every day and was using his full sized rototiller about four weeks after surgery :icon56: He did have a little trouble with depression once he got home and wasn't able to do very much.


    You dad has to be in the hospital for three weeks? My grandpa was only in for five days I think. Best of luck, my grandpa would have gone crazy :)



  2. What about a KLR 650 or 400? They're dual sport bikes so they have lights, blinkers, speedo, etc. so they might be ok for street use in CA?

    Edit: I know they're a little bigger engine than you said, but my buddy had a 650 and still got 50+ MPG with average driving around town.

  3. Make sure it's greased. When I got my engine stand it was all rusty and gunked up in there. With it cleaned and greased it's not hard to rotate an engine by my self. Draining the oil will help a lot. Make sure you have lots of rags/ cardboard/ kitty litter when you flip the engine over.

  4. I agree you don't want to push your son, but make sure he stays engaged in school and most importantly learns how to study. I just finished my freshman year of college and barely scraped together a 3.0 GPA. I lost my full tuition scholarship and my honors scholarship because I didn't know how to study. I was offered a chance to take the SAT in middle school like your son but didn't for one reason or the other. Throughout high school I NEVER studied because I didn't have to. I wasn't straight A, but had a 3.8 something GPA at graduation. I just drifted through and did the minimum to get by but never had to work very hard. My first semester of college I finished with a 2.4 GPA because I didn't do ANY homework or studying. The first half of the semester I just didn't because it wasn't required, but by midterm when I realized I had Cs in three of my classes I tried to study but really didn't know how. All this is still a ways off for you son, but it's just something to keep in mind.


    Congrats on your son's test score, it must make you proud


  5. Trying to get the car running, it is so close I can taste the exhaust fumes.:trippen: Other than that, BBQ and a few repairs around the place.

    Any chance of a vid of that beast?


    The boss called me earlier and I don't have to work sunday instead of monday now. I don't mind too much, though, since I took today off :) Probably going to continue tearing down the 350 and work on tuning the 305 on monday then.

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