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Posts posted by bschiltz

  1. I swapped a carbed '86 305 in my ZX. I'd say it makes an ok DD, pretty good torque for such a light car but not much top end. I'm building up a 350 to take it's place right now and if I were to do it again, I'd have started with the 350. The carb is still jetted rich but it's drivable. I was only getting 10-12 MPG so I figure if I'm paying that much in gas I might as well have a faster car.

    Go 350

  2. How long did it run? I'm not familiar with SUs, but on my Quadrajet there is a pretty big float area that can let an engine run for quite a while. The first time I started my engine, I just dumped some gas in the float before I put the carb all the way together, then put it on the engine, then started it. Not the safest or smartest idea but it ran for about a minute with a coupel revs. Or maybe you just figured out the new alternitave fuel idea, engines don't actually need fuel, they just like to have it around! :)

  3. What constitutes "so many"? I'm willing to bet there are a lot more Harley riders that are in or were in prison than Z people. Or gangsta' Honda drivers, or any number of groups. But what does it matter anyway? People mess up and make mistakes. That's not for us to judge, that's between them, the law, and their Maker. Maybe since the Z community is so close knit, it just seems more of a big deal.

  4. My sister swears by the netti pot (shes a nurse) and she really wants me to get one.


    I just haven't gone and got one yet, I just think it's a lil weird.


    I've never tried the pot style, but the bottle is nice since you keep your head tilted down the whole time. That way little to no water runs down into your throat. Also it blasts out the big boogies better :mrgreen:

  5. I have REALLY bad nasal issues. Had my nose broken 4 times (5 if you count the surgery to fix it--and no I didn't break it in fights I just like to smash my face into things like trees, steering wheels, the ground, etc) and despite the surgery I have a badly deviated septum. On top of that I have horrible seasonal allergies to grass and weeds. Anyway, I use the squeeze bottle instead of the neti pot, but I too can testify that the thing works. It doesn't make my allergies go away, far from it, but it does reduce the severity enough to make it well worth the effort.


    This year I'm on allergy shots, so we'll see how that goes. Normally from about March to July is my really bad time of year, I just started taking my allergy meds 4 days ago, so the shots seem to be helping so far, although we had a brutal winter so it may just be that spring takes a little longer to kick into gear and I get just as miserable later on. I'll know soon enough...


    I'm in pretty much the same boat as you. I had my nose broken (kicked in the face in tae kwan do when I was younger) and usually can't breath out of my left nostril. I also have seasonal allergies, so spring is usually pretty rough. My girl friend got one of the sinus rinse bottles last fall but she refuses to use it so I do. I haven't tried it for allergies but it's great for winter colds/ sinus infections. It's amazing how much green/brown crap is up in your head. :ugg:

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