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Dtsnlvrs last won the day on November 25 2014

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About Dtsnlvrs

  • Birthday 05/10/1970

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    Anderson, SC

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  1. Great to hear that there is a shining light at the end of the story. Sorry to hear that we were mislead by these scam artists.
  2. PM sent....I can get it titled here, just a long process...since I own a dealership, I can drive on dealer plates until the title process is done..
  3. Let me look into the title process here in SC...I am a licenced dealer so that may help. Looking to replace the 70 I sold a couple of years ago. Shoot me some pics of yours and I will figure out the title problem...when you say not clear...what exactly do you mean
  4. http://www.wolfcreekracing.com/index.php?option=com_content&view=article&id=22&Itemid=31
  5. http://forums.hybridz.org/topic/90094-subaru-sti-torsen-install/ Been there done that
  6. Good a place to start as any
  7. Ummm, No, I was a Datsun owner long before I opened a shop....while i do work on Z's...this piece is for my own build...hence the post
  8. ...and we are back in the Datsun business. Clifford Research 6-2 equal length header, let the parts acquisitions begin!!!
  9. Yeah, it surprised my wife when I floated the idea, and I sold it thru word of mouth while I was on Leave from Iraq for two weeks. But, it is only a matter of time before I find the right 240 to build another one.
  10. After 12 years of ownership, countless hours, days and years of blood, and sweat, I sold my 240Z. It was not an easy decision, and one that has disturbed the nature of the force. Friends from far and wide...some on this site, and on others, think I am crazy....my kids want to dis-own me....my wife is worried I will just find another basket case project. I just felt I needed to step back a bit, and re-evaluate where I was going with my life and my cars. I am not ready, nor do I think I ever will be, for a trailer queen track car, and that is where the Z was heading. I had tweaked the susp and the engine to the point that it was almost a labor just to drive it on the street. I had not truly enjoyed driving her daily since I lived in Italy and could open her up any time I wanted. The paint was too beautiful....the interior too clean....the susp too tight....the engine too beastly, for an every day driver, and man how I loved to drive her. She has gone to a good home, and i may have visitation rights when it is all said and done. She now resides on the showroom floor of Briggs Nissan in Manhattan, KS...the dealership owner is the proud owner of his "new" race car. My wife says the kids went nuts when they saw it there the other day while getting the X-Terra serviced. I have a feeling that after this deployment, I will be contracted (of sorts) to sort it out for the Auto-X season. Now, After 24 years of Datsun ownership, I could not just walk away clean could I? I mean, I have a wealth of knowlege and experience to share. Laughs, Pains, and Joys. I have made great friends and travelled the country to show and race her. I have learned from my experiences and from others what makes these cars tick, and how to keep em going and if desired, improve them. There are those of you (you know who you are) who seem to think I may be the last "true" shade tree Weber tuner for these cars...and I hope to continue to share that knowlege with all of you who need and/or want it. Besides...I need to keep my mind sharp for the father son 240Z build planned for 2016...so keep your eyes out for that basket case project...I might be interested. In the mean time, I guess I will have to just enjoy my 944T.
  11. U-joints for Datsuns are not pressed in, well you CAN press them in, but then you bend the ears. The proper way to replace U-joints in a Z is with a big effing hammer.
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