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Everything posted by ihavearustedz

  1. yah definatly pull with tranny so you can later change fluid, clutch if you need too. when unbolting the motormounts unbolt them from the stands, that way you dont have to unbolt 4 bolts on the block.
  2. **** i wish i had the money to do some sand blasting. i have shitty harbor frieght one that would take 2+ hours to get those results. my fingers are sore from san paper. keep up the good work, and keep posting those videos they are awesome
  3. i looked to see how sr240z had it and i thought it looked better tucked under, but if you like it that way keep it =) http://www.sr240z.com/srpictures/19.jpg
  4. that looks like the same air dam i have. quick question does those flaps, above the turn signals, go over the headlight buckets like that or under
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