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Everything posted by Challenger

  1. Challenger


    From the album: Z

  2. Challenger


    From the album: Z

  3. Challenger


    From the album: Z

  4. Challenger


    From the album: Z

  5. Challenger


    From the album: Z

  6. Challenger


    From the album: Z

  7. Challenger


    From the album: Z

  8. Challenger


    From the album: Z

  9. 81-83 Turbo exhaust manifold, no cracks... Thanks! Derek
  10. Challenger

    Slide #13.jpeg

    From the album: Z

  11. Challenger


    From the album: Z

  12. Challenger


    From the album: Z

  13. I actually bought a turbo off ebay that had similar damage. I dont know what caused it the guy said it was on a running ZX, my only guess would be debris. With them spinning that fast almost anything can cause damage I assume. I ran a piece of panty hose through mine with no damage, must have been something tougher than that. haha
  14. Thats the only one I have, not around the car to take pictures. I havent spent alot of time on it but I am having issues with controlling my boost, it is creeping way above what the spring says it should. I dont know if its another problem, who knows.
  15. Print it all out and tape it together. Get a highlighter and mark the lines relating to the turn signals, trace everything back to a power source or ground. From there with either the voltmeter or continuity check to make sure there isn't a cut wire, corroded connection, etc. following the wiring diagram is just about impossible on a computer, it's hard enough even on paper.
  16. Sorry man, hoping everything works out. I had my first accident a year ago, it sucks. Doesn't the insurance cover medical? If you have physical therapy bills you should have them covered by the auto insurance. Don't neglect your injury. Cars can be fixed, necks are harder.
  17. Get the fsm manual wiring diagram, it helped me figure out my lights. Do you have a multimeter? The 6 pin connector that goes to the combination switch grounds two different wires to a single power wire. Doesn't matter if it's clean if it's broken, makes sure its actually making connections. Same with the hazard switch. When it is off there are two wires on its plugs that allow the blinkers to work. That has to be closed or it won't work. http://www.xenons30.com/reference.html Look at where power and grounds come from and work backwards. Be meticulous on tracing wires and you will find the problem easily.
  18. Some of them. I just right clicked on the indicators at the bottom of the screen while you are synced up to megasquirt. You can change it to read other stuff and it looked like the specific errors changed. Haven't completely fixed it yet.
  19. Positive crank ventilation. Thats the opening on your valve cover and right behind the distributor opening. If oil is spraying out that could be burning on the manifold. Also, how does your oil look? Do you have an oil temperature gauge? I was gonna make a neener neener comment since I just graduated from college sunday but, I will refrain. haha Good luck!
  20. Ive got 12.7V to megasquirt in boost. What was wrong with the alternator wiring for you?
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