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Everything posted by bens1088

  1. http://www.speedhunters.com/2012/05/the-peoples-choice-sunnys-240z/ Probably not everyone's cup of tea but awesome it was a Z nonetheless. Dapper Lighting Headlights BTW
  2. Hey guys, I had a few guys email me with some questions. I've put together some different guides and docs for everyone to take a look at. (Threw in a Porsche guide to give you perspective). Let me know if any of you have questions. Thanks! DL Bulb Installation.pdf Headlight Aiming Instructions.pdf CapacitorInstallPDF.pdf DL240z.pdf DLPorsche.pdf
  3. Haha take your time. I haven't had time to put together fog kits yet so they're all just sitting in a box in the office. It's just like having 4 headlights... pretty awesome. Maybe 1 tuff z will chime in if he comes across the thread.
  4. http://forums.hybridz.org/index.php/topic/97813-projector-fog-hid-kits/page__st__20 There you go!
  5. They sell the high/low relay on ebay or MSA or Black Dragon. Just search something like H4 Halogen relay. (Make sure it's for halogen/sealed beam). The Dapper Lighting kit comes wired for HID relays. We also have a 55W kit if you want... REALLY bright Let me know if you have any questions.
  6. Too reliable... I drive my s130 less than a few hundred miles a year and it runs like a champ every time. (Completely stock) My 911 on the other hand... don't drive it often enough and it's problem after problem...
  7. $500+ for those and the light output isn't that impressive. I attached a PDF with some info. There is a better LED kit option out there but it's all pretty pricey. leds_update.pdf
  8. We are back at it again and developing a 5 3/4" projector set. Does anyone have access to a vehicle with the smaller 4 headlight systems (ie 510). Would a 5 3/4" x 5" light have room to clear in the back? We will setup the group buy once we get some sets in.
  9. Does anyone know who's S30 this is or how I can get in contact with him? I believe he's local in the Bay Area.
  10. Just curious what kind of headlights did you install?
  11. Hmm... I haven't shipped anything that heavy before so I couldn't give you an idea. Talk to a UPS store or USPS and they will help you out.
  12. USPS is the cheapest (at least on packages under 10LBs). Get quotes online from USPS, UPS, & Fedex.
  13. I did this on my ZX. Only problem I ran into was the gear adapter stripped itself after a few months. Just replaced it but it made me worried about using plastic on the door crank gears.
  14. Is this what you are talking about?: Dash Z Racing These are fake projectors and don't give you a crisp cutoff. I'm sure lots of people can chime in on the cheapo ebay kits. Not worth $45. I directly import from Asia and a high quality projector alone cost much more than $45. Then you add in the housing, wiring, labor, shipping, etc...
  15. Baseball operations- player evaluation, development, interpreting for the Pittsburgh Pirates.
  16. I think we can help you out. www.dapperlighting.com. We've sold over 40 sets to hybridz members. Hybridz thread
  17. Or carbon fiber vinyl. Much cheaper and easier.
  18. Hey guys, I recently took a job with the Pittsburgh Pirates for the next year. This means I will be, for the most part, away from the forums, sales calls, tech support. Dapper Lighting will continue to be run by a few employees. I know as summer comes around, some of you guys will be installing your lights and might have some questions. I suggest you post them onto the forum, check out http://www.dapperlighting.com/installation.html and check out the install guide one of your fellow members put together. If you are still having problems or any questions, you can always email me at Ben@dapperlighting.com and I will do my best to respond in a timely matter. Thanks, Ben
  19. There are some decent halogen housing/HID setups but I would recommend a kit with a projector. Tons of light onto the road with a very nice sharp cutoff.
  20. Here's one a customer recently sent me.
  21. http://www.dapperlighting.com/classic-headlights.html PM me for special pricing
  22. I manufacture the black projector sets (that's my s130 lol). They are dramatically brighter than stock headlights. PM me if you guys want hybridz pricing. Is that an optical illusion?? lol it looks like the front of a black projector for some reason... My mistake.
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