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Posts posted by gjc5500

  1. Im looking to do it because i want to use the car at the track, but at the same time, use it on the street and get decent milage. i want short gears for good acceleration, but tall 6th gear so i have good top end and ability to cruise at freeway speeds w/o being above 3k.

  2. I was wondering if someone sells a gearbox that would bolt into the bellhousing for the l24. If not, is there one that could be made to fit the back of the block and have a custom driveshaft made?

  3. yea. i think it was well worth the conversion. i dont get the black soot but it does stumble if i sit at a light too long or if im in traffic, maybe cuz 1300idle and running a little rich(prolly why my mpg is such S***)

  4. In my 73 240z my oil pressure and water temp gauges will suddenly start to drop. they make it about 3/4 of the way down and start to come back up. then they fall. happens when im driving. if i hit the dash below the gauge it will work for about 30 sec then start doing it again. coudl this be the guage betting ready to go out?

  5. Figured as much. So would a JY engine be a bad place to start. im on a budget(School payments) and need a motor to work on. i intend on MSnS, boost contol, the whole nine yards. Rebuilding the engines, and maybe even the turbos wouldnt be that big of a deal.

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