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Everything posted by woodboxer

  1. very funny ha ha , could u be a little more decsriptive? did u remove the lens from the original case and make u'r own? or did u trim the outside housing? i noticed in u'r video it loooks like u made casing out of steel. any help would be appreciated plus heres a picture of our pup- mya.
  2. so today was a good day,( it rained here so i took the morning off) i took back the 03 and picked up the 05 , one had a slight scatch so they gave me the wiring harness free, but i will probably end up buying a new one to replace the scatched one unless someone out there knows how to remove a slight scatch off the plastic lens? i will add a pic when i open the box they are in, ( i just got in) i do need to know how warren trimmed them to work in the Z. later bob have to get ready(86 300zx) for the nationial car show , here in Moncton NB. If anyone is close drop in , we will be on the hill. we are planning a breakfast on site on sunday morning. everybody is welcome
  3. do you have any pics, i have an 81 280 would they fit and do u have the front as well. bob
  4. that was my first thought too, but it is very flexible and when i tried sanding it it seemed like rubber, but who knows, and it is a nissan part bob
  5. where did u get your kit and what was the cost bob
  6. hey guys so i have been following u guys for awhile, and what is the final verdict? can u source out push buttons and if so where and how do they hook up? i did want to shave but its not legal here in NS canada tia bob
  7. the rear flare / fin on the latest 84 i bought has some hairline cracks and i was wondering how do i repair it (sand) and what do i have to use to paint it? any suggestions . i was hoping to install it on my 86 - ithink it should fit? later bob
  8. no i don't but they are in a previous post by warren , i had to reorder mine and they won't be in till friday. I actually received 03 taillights and they wrap around so i thing it would be major work to install them so they are out for me.
  9. ya actaully when i looked at it last night i noticed an AE emblem , but after i got home and got thinking about it , i'm not sure if its an Ae or not, cant rememeber if the t-bar was mirrored , or if the wheel wells have the extensions, or if the seat( really bad shape ) had the sound system in them , i was just concerned if it was a turbo and the low milage on it and to make sure the motor sounded OK, i know the paint job sucked , it has been painted a couple of times and it is rough, the hatch is rusted, but i already found another one so , i may not be too bad when i get home , hopefully tonight. i will try and post pics when i do. later bob
  10. thanks for the info, btw i just purchaced an 84 tonight and yes it is a 300 zx and turbo to boot.
  11. hey warren , i watched it and it gives at least an idea what is involved, btw i like your dog , we have a boxer too, except this one we didn't crop the ears. and ours is still a pup, although they tell me they are always a pup. thanks again bob
  12. well i opened the box and yes they were taillights from a mustang 03 which wrap aroung the side of the fender - so thats out, i will have to go over the ist provided above. thanks guys bob
  13. hey warren it turns out that i ordered 03 light and not the newer ones so when they arrive i guess is when i will see what they look like.LOL later bob
  14. hey terry ya i know there are all types of ideas out there , and i am looking for some things to make my 81 as different as i can, while still not spending a fortune. u did a great job on yours , but i don't think that i am that talented. So i have to look at others and see what i like and then try to use what i can . I am always open to suggestion btw. i may have ordered 03 taillight anyway, i told the fella i wanted 03-05 then i looked at warren post and noticed he said 05-07 so who knows what i will have when they arrive here. I will know in a hr or so, hopefully they will be something i can use. if u have any other ideas let me know. i bought this car with the purpose of doing as much as possible to make it different. thanks bob
  15. hey warren i found a set of mustang lights locally and they will be here this afternoon. thanks again . I knew i really liked yours but i didn't know what they were. btw who hard were they to put in? bob
  16. thanks tony once i woke up i realized that was the company u were talking about, but i haven't relly talked yo anyone who has ordered from them and had it put on, i really appreciate any info on it. Like what did it cost to have delievered to your house compared to what u pay there. I live in canada and we always get hit with extras charges by the time a part reaches here. has anyone in Canada, perferrably atlantic canada had any experience with htis , i really am cautious as to the landed cost of a part. thanks bob
  17. thanks Warren i knew i had seen mustand lights in a car ,, but couldn't find where, it was your car, btw - awsome job, i usally don't use that word but it fits your car. i really like the front as well, and just so i won't totally copy yours i am trying to shave the rear end so that in it self should make it look different. I will post some pics as i go, haven't been able to work at it recently but I may be able to free some time soon. espesially since I have the 86 up and running ok now. thanks for your reply bob:)
  18. sorry right u are i have typed in the wrong number,can u ever forgive me, LOL. I have a 81 280zx but i also have an 86 300 zx , i wasn't really paying attention when i typed the note, but my 86 300zx is Ok , it is the 81 280 that i want ot put differnet rear lights on , and yes I know the first year was 84 for the 300 as there are a few AE's in our local club, i guess since i have been working on the 86 - repairing the digitial dash, repairing the ceiling liner and new rear brakes, i must have simply typed it wrong number, i have the 81 up on stands and really want o make it different, but i have to keep the 86 going as it is a daily driver. i also went thru all the notes from the other thread re different lights for a 240 and then realized that it is different in the rear again than my 81 , so i quess i still would like to know what would look good on my 81. bob
  19. hey phil that doesn't look too bad at all , is the 78 simialar in the rear ens as the 81? i am looking to do something with my 81 bob
  20. what 300 emblems are u referring too? bob
  21. sorry i didn't realise that the z store was referred to as the msa as well.OOPs
  22. do they have a complete front kit so i would remove the existing bumper ? and is it under MSA on the net? thanks bob
  23. boy how did i miss that one, i guess it proves it is an interesting thread, although i did a quick look and didn't notice anyone that stood out with an answer. sorry for not checking out the post before i started this thread. later bob
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