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About zlalomz

  • Birthday 10/06/1955

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    Sacramento, Ca.

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  1. Did anyone save the "R200 Handling Problems" article on John Coffey's Betamotorsports site? Perhaps it lives here but I can't find it. Thanks.
  2. I was considering the swap with the adapter made for Miata transmission. Lots of $500 engines out there. http://www.superfastmiatas.com/JV6%20Miata%20Kit.html
  3. I trimmed my xenon air dam to clear some 9 inch autocross slicks years ago.
  4. Panasport three piece C8 16x12 with 5 inch backspacing. Used for autocross.
  5. http://www.fototime.com/ftweb/bin/ft.dll/pictures?ma=t&userid=7DC317B08EDB4B2EA837F708D07C9769&albumid=B0B466A942044F78BC4CDEBD9966B5B9&st=he&GUID={023AD2F4-A412-4791-83CE-A65F526A268F}&sent=stored http://www.zhome.com/rnt/FordPower/
  6. Another example I came across on Facebook.
  7. Here's some video of the Gold Z. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZkUSVs_v3fQ
  8. Jay Hitchcock is the owner and a member here. The body kit is the 280 YZ from Reaction Research. http://www.reactionresearch.com/280yzgallery.html
  9. I'm buying Jon's but if anyone has a set of MSA street flares, I am still interested.
  10. Motorsport Auto Street Flares. Are there any of these out there left? I need a set.
  11. Good. I'll delete my page. Thanks for the info Sean.
  12. I really like the Bay Area Datsun page on facebook so I thought Sacramento area enthusiasts needed one of their own. Like it if you are in the Sacto area and let's get this thing started. Steve Parmley
  13. Another one I came across on facebook.
  14. http://www.zccjdm.com/catalog.php/azcarbum/ct16933/FIBERGLASS_PARTS_ http://www.reactionresearch.com/automotivedetails.htm
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