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Heavy Z

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Everything posted by Heavy Z

  1. I just had my Holley DP 650 re-jetted (from 67/72 to 64/71) and here's whats happening: From 0 to 1/4 throttle runs fine. From 1/4 to 1/2 throttle it sputters a bit and hesitates, and once I hit the secondaries the problem goes away and off I go. The problem isn't as bad if I leave the choke on. Too lean in the primaries? You guys know best so whattaya think?
  2. I read the article and what really made me sad was that when the paramedics arrived she hadn't been burned yet - they watched as she caught fire!! Later the paramedic realized his mistake, asking himself "why didn't I break the window and throw my jacket over her?" Good question!!! Sad-sad-sad-sad-sad-sad-sad-sad story
  3. A search will tell you all the stuff you'll need to get/do. Good luck! Heavy Z
  4. No problem, TBroZ. Also keep in mind that 3.54 R200's from turbo models have cv joints rather than ujoints. Brett
  5. I've got a 3.7 on mine and it winds up fast - I'm in the process of buying a 3.36 R200 as this ratio is closer to the 3.08 that came stock in the T5 camaro. You can find 3.54's all day long, and they work pretty good too. IMO a 3.7 or bigger is too much for a lightweight Z, you'll be working the gears more than you think. Heavy Z
  6. You'll need a flywheel, bellhousing, and clutch for a T5 camaro.
  7. Way to go, Mark! That will be one HELL of a warp drive Z!!! Brett
  8. I've got a heavy duty (11") Mcleod clutch/TO bearing. My 327Z is around 400hp and this clutch has great driveability and no-slip grip. I can't remember the total price, but I'd say this clutch would be similar to a centerforce 2. Either brand will do the job for you. Heavy Z
  9. Man, that is the saddest thing I've seen in a while. I'm at school now and I took some time in my classes to show my junior/senior students this link - so they see what their actions can lead to. IMO this is worse than any drunk driving commercial I've ever seen.
  10. Hmm...based on that logic, former US Gulf War commander Norman Schwarzkopf must also be a liberal coward, since he's saying we should cool our heels too. Read his interview from tuesday: Washington Post article 1/28 This man's opinions should be listened to, especially considering his experiences in combating Iraq.
  11. Correction, you'll be okay with that non-WC unit if you stay at 300 hp, mine was fine at that hp. If you go bigger and start getting towards 400hp, then go with a WC T5 and get a countergear stabilizer to be safe(unfortunately a CG stabilizer won't work on a NWC T5).
  12. If you do go the T5 route, look for '88+ camaro applications, pre-88 are weaker non-world class units.
  13. Yep, just shift nice. That is a NWC (same as mine) and my 327 is fine with it. I'd prefer a WC (1988+) though.
  14. Nah, I think chaining the motor to the infinity and dragging it around would be teaching that engine a lesson
  15. I've shown alot of breakdancing tapes after finals in my high school classes over the years but I have NEVER seen someone as LIQUID as that kid...BTW,nice conga-dance by the mustang!
  16. Oh yeah, use the search function in any message board to find more info on just about anything you could imagine doing to your Z.
  17. Since everyone is helping out with the recessitation techniques, I'll tackle the transmission part of your question. I thought a T10 was a 4 speed but I could be wrong, I do know that the T5 in my Z works great. With a world class T5 and 350 hp you should be fine, if you want to beef it up a bit the counter gear stabilizer from gear zone is a good upgrade. As long as you can refrain from dumping the clutch and speed shifting this transmission will do okay. Get a T10 if you want to abuse it, or a T56 if you want to be abusive in more gears Heavy Z
  18. Taste is personal of course. We may say 'ick', but who are we to say ick in a really judgemental way? This site is cool for lots of reasons, one of which is an open-minded crowd - you don't see the sandbox antics here that other sites like to play. BTW, a roof wing would really finish that thing off. Brett
  19. This sounds very familiar...I spent alot of time thinking this through. I've got a T-5 in my 327 and love it, but I did consider going with a 2004R (similar to 700R4 but lighter and with better gearing IMO) and run this with a manual shift kit so I'd have to still shift. The upside to the auto is that it can give you lightning-fast shifts(G-G-G-Gone!). The 'auto' part of it has no benefit to a sports car through the twisties, however. So you must ask yourself, what is going to make me smile more - getting out of the hole in a hurry or having the 'in control' feel of a manual as you carve through the corners? You'll always wonder about the choice you didn't go with, unless you can drive both types of car beforehand... Heavy Z
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