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Everything posted by Mauisnow13

  1. Silver and Grey always looks nice. Super Clean.
  2. I hear the 240sx thing all the time. i talk about 240z's and someone is like, "My friend has one of those. It's a 1991." I always respond with, "You must mean a 240sx." Then they say, "Aren't they the same thing?" "NO."
  3. Well it was kinda designed after the jaguar a bit if I remember right. Off topic, are there videos of HybridZ on Pinks? EDIT: I'm buying it on iTunes
  4. It is small and very hard to catch.
  5. If there was a nuclear war that took out the whole world, all one would see was a barren wasteland covered in Z's.
  6. I think I'll be getting some of those ZGs. I like them a lot.
  7. IMO, the 350z doesn't look enough like the S30. I am hoping that after they release the 370z, they'll come out with a 400z that will look more like the S30.
  8. WTF!? How can you mix up a Z with a Firebird?!? That would bean insult to me. hahaha
  9. This takes rice to a whole new level.....
  10. I love the first one poindexter! The beach one is pretty good also.
  11. Everytime someone asks what a 240z is I say the same thing. "It's the same car as the 350z, just an older version." They seem to understand after that.
  12. I hate it when people say you don't know anything about the car you own. Most of us live and breath these cars. Know them inside and out, then someone tries to convince us it's a 75 240z or something. Ridiculous.
  13. OMG. Grand Tourismo 4 is THE WORST at misnaming Zs. I just stuck with the 300zxTT during the game. Haven't played it in forever.
  14. So I ran into a guy that was asking about my Porsche 944 for sale and he offered me a trade for a 1968 240z. ummmm..........? I was like did they make them in 1968? I thought they started making them in late 1969. His response was, "Yeah. They started producing them in 1964." Then it began. On and on he went talking about all this Z stuff, all of which was wrong. Saying that stock for stock, the (V8) 350z could take a 300zx Twin Turbo hands down, no competition. Blah blah blah, basically, I can't stand people that pretend to know about the Z. He seemed like the ricer type.
  15. Good point. I found that the performance shift kit installed could definitely cause the car to kick when put into gear. From what I know, the shift kit allows less clutch slip in the tranny and so the gears grab faster and more noticeably. The kit is also supposed to make the tranny shift harder and faster so a kick when shifting into gear is a result of this. Is this correct?
  16. Here's some I took a while ago in Hawaii.
  17. I have found the answer to my question. Admins, close thread please.
  18. I am seriously considering buying an Auto V8 Z that I have found. The one thing that throws me off is that when you are stopped and shift into reverse and drive, the car kicks quite a bit. The seller tells me that they have put in an aftermarket performance shift kit and that is what is causing the kick. Does this seem right or do you guys think the tranny is almost gone? It has a chrysler 3spd tranny.
  19. Oh, and I know I'm not the best at paintshop, but it's still fun!
  20. I like using photoshop to see if I like how paint or body parts will look on a car. This is a Hybridz member's that I played with. The first is normal, the second is when I was done. I was just kinda having fun with it.
  21. Personally I've never really liked a stripe on a Z. There are a couple cars I have seen pull it off, but for the most part it doesn't suit me. It is, of course, personal opinion, so whatever you think would look good. You can always do some photoshopping beforehand to see if you like it.
  22. The Atoms are SICK. I decided to hold off just to let everybody know. Thanks for all the help.
  23. I've sorta looked into it. They make a Turbo kit for them that sells for 4,000. It is the only one that I have found. The same company also makes a supercharger kit that would bump the power close to 300 and put the 0-60 in the high 5's i believe. Although that is 5,000. It's not really worth it. It'd be cheaper to sell mine and buy a 944 Turbo. Plus, I really want a 240z turbo! haha
  24. There are so many differences between the two. Not just the engine and driveline but wiring and lots of others. They are almost two different cars. Another thing about a Turbo 944 is they tend to be less reliable. BTW, the smog laws here....well, there's not too many. It's fairly easy to do almost anything.
  25. yeah, I won't rush into it. I think I have decided to hold out. If I get it, I'll end up wanting another Z! hahaha
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