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Everything posted by josh817

  1. The guy from Datsun Spirit wrote about it. He's the one with the orange Z and the 6 bike carbs or "slide carbs" with the blue air horns I believe and the Gnose. Other then that, all the blogs I saw said "crank modification" and within that there was balancing, and shaving the rear. On DatsunSpirits blog post he showed a picture. The picture I posted showed the flange being welded on further back. Someone made a comment on his blog post asking how much you should shave off and he said 6mm. That's all I know. A lot of the blogs had this modification noted in them so I suspect it is important. Here are the pictures from Datsun Spirit. His site appears to be down, I'm unsure when it will come back.
  2. I know what you mean however this group, CVAR is more friendly and have fun environment then competitive. I heard somewhere and I don't know if its true, but SCCA won't let you run if you aren't within parameters. I like CVAR because they just deduct points. The likelihood that I win 1st place and regain points is slim because this day and age, its become a sport of budget. There are no sponsors or anything but there are guys who have some very expensive cars. Point being, Porsche's run with the 1 or 2 Z's in CVAR this season and the Porsche guys have a lot invested. Cool stuff, within the rules (or maybe not we don't know), that have them 1-5 in the placing, and they lap the entire field twice in a 20 minute session at Texas World. Really good drivers + really good budget = winning. There is no way I could race with them, but I can race with the other Z guy who tags way behind them. CVAR follows SCCA rules for the year of your car, therefor whatever the Z did in SCCA in 1972, I can do too I believe. Also it would be good to note that CVAR is a pretty lax place. You're mainly there to have fun, not to compete. Awards for 1-3 each season consist usually of the dead remains from someone blowing their motor rather then cash or going to "regionals". That's why I like it. Plus people know me now because of me driving in the Z for flag waving and I use to attend races with my dad as a little boy when he was in the club. Some of the Triumph guys who race are Dad's customers too so like you said, everyone knows everyone else. In a relaxed environment its a pretty cool place. I don't mind if the tech guy or someone in CVAR stumbles upon my thread though. I'm going with a 2.4L displacement so I don't kill a V07 crank. During tech I don't believe they check displacement but they will check the block/head code and stuff I think. Believe it or not, most of the guys are running welded chambers anyway whether you know it or not, and I doubt a welded chamber is going to land me into 1st place, beating $150,000 cars. As long as I don't beat them on the track or in points, then there is no reason to argue or fight, unless the guy in second to last place is offended by me beating him I'm only there to have fun, which would explain why some other guys are there too. For instance, 3 dudes were running their Formula Atlantic cars with the Formula Ford group and spanking everybody, because they had already won last season. They are spanking everyone else but they weren't going for points. Last in points, first on track, because they want to have fun. CVAR is at the point where they will say OK you get no points at all, but you can run. I honestly wouldn't mind NOT winning an award composed of oil soaked left overs and then being made fun of because how young I am compared to them, just as long as I can race along side of them. Hopefully that clears up any "you dirty cheating scoundrel" stuff. Lol Link: http://www.corinthianvintagerace.com/
  3. Oh I know the combination and stuff and you aren't allowed to fiddle with that stuff. Stuff like run an L20A crank with a bigger bore sort of thing. If there is too much speculation, they'll check you. They won't kick you out or anything but they will deduct points. Something I just thought about is to look into how they deduct for engine modification. My head will be welded, and that isn't allowed. So if under engine modification you can lose say 5 points, and I lose all 5 just because of a welded head, then I might as well make up for it by going all out. They won't know I have a welded head either. Basically, all the internals are unknown and they don't check until someone complains. Only reason why someone would complain is if I spank them so much and they aren't use to a Z spanking them (or they're wiener babies). From there they would do a displacement check, see its 2.4L since you can do that without tearing down a motor. The club is pretty lax, and no one complains in there. As a flag waiver, I know some suspicious cars but it really widdles down to how much money you have. A lot of people will lose points in tech, but by winning 1st and 2nd they regain the points. Same thing for weight too. The BMW Dad and I are building for us, they call for displacement x 1.something for your weight. Thats over 2000 pounds, and the car out of the factory didn't even weigh that. So do we want to lose points on weight? Yes because everyone else lost points so now technically the max number of points you can make and still be competitive has lowered down slightly and you might as well jump on the train and not bother with weight. Good for us since we have a 1602, so we will weigh even lighter then a stripped 2002 but we all lose the same amount of points whether your 200 pounds under or 500 under.
  4. Lol this again. To say the least, the little cone nozzle thing was actually just a baffle to quiet the car down since apparently they drive them around a little too. For the cranks, mill 6mm off the back flywheel flange (don't mill where the pilot bearing goes... please) and then drill and tap the flywheel bolt threads deeper. I would also put 2 more dowels so you have a total of 3 on the back. The front of the crank snout is modified to use 1 big key instead of 3 small keys. I believe this keeps them from walloping out. You can see in the picture of the crank they show it. At first I was like what the hell are they trying to show and then I read more about it. I'm not sure how they go about putting one huge key in the crank though... Is it just a steel piece that they tap in? I'm still lurking around for information on the Helmholtz effect. I remember when I was younger, on our big computer speaker if you played certain frequencies you could hold a note card or a piece of paper inches from the hole in the back and it would be sucked up against the speaker. You could then let go and as long as the frequency is playing the paper is trapped in the spot. I know speakers are tuned for best performance at a certain frequency. The tuning of a pipe I would assume could be the same. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=r4dINlO3Kss I don't know... Just something to think about. Right now I'm in the process of trying to make a monster head. Kinda-sorta using this thread and what I've typed up in some documents to replicate things. Its a long term just for fun project. Meaning, I'm trying my best to ignore the money I'll dump into it because its a hobby. Head is at the machine shop having guides pressed out and chambers welded. I went with an E88 head because its what I had on hand. While thats going on I purchased resurfaced rockers which I will lighten on the valve end. Now I'm in the dilema of what displacement to build. 2.4L or 3.1L. I have cranks for both and blocks for both however I will be racing this in a vintage club and rules call for stock displacement with a max of .060" overbore. Plenty of time to figure that out. When it comes time to do the crank, that's when I must decide.
  5. I'm surprised it was a 4.375 rear end rather then a 4.8 or a 5.1 that a lot of them use. Interesting!
  6. Found a video you guys may like showing the throttle response I guess with the Wako 75S cam, sounds good and healthy!: Same guy blowing up his tranny:
  7. What thread is that port anyway, if you know?
  8. Here is the jive of the story. She seems like she wants to get intimate and she has her girl moments where she's like "how come you have to transfer to Tarleton". I think she may talk herself into going there also. It doesn't matter to me. I liked the apartment idea because unlike dorms, you go on a month by month basis. If I were to get into a dorm somehow, they only have a Fall + Spring and then just a Spring contract. I ask them where the **** is the just Fall contract and they said there isn't one, so technically when December came around I would have to break the contract and then lose an additional $500 plus be on the bad boy list probably or something (if it even mattered since I'm transferring). She says she may come with me to Tarleton if she's really attracted that much. Most likely she won't be so she already said "well if you leave then I'm stuck in the place by myself" my answer to her was that by the time December or January comes around, a dorm should open up. Being wait listed for a full semester sounds reasonable. Point being that I don't plan to have any trust issues with a trashed out place an stuff, I'd be first to step in and last to step out of that place, I'd think. As for races, I always attend the CVAR races. There is a school the weekend of Sep. 3rd in College Station. School as in like they run all 7 groups and then they tack 1 more group on of new guys and instead of racing for 20 minutes they have us wave surprise attack flags like a full course black to see if they know what to do. Weed out the dummies sort of thing before they're allowed in with the other guys. I was planning on waving for PCA and other DE events but I haven't jumped on the opportunities. EDIT: Oh yah, its on campus housing by the way. Only thing I hate about it is that there are no firearms allowed on campus. Being in Arlington, especially around Cooper/Collins, I feel more comfortable having something on hand. Nothing saying I can't use a frypan and/or a bat I suppose though.
  9. OH GOD! This is exactly what I don't want! My sister did the same when she lived here! http://www.break.com/index/unclogging-a-drain.html
  10. Lol she has no boyfriend. Now... last semester I DID have one friend who was a girl who sold Ex over at club Insomnia in Dallas. If you went there and bought tabs, maybe it was from her, you crazy bastards. We stopped being friends when one night she went out to go restock (her boyfriend would bring her so she could dress slutty and act ditsy, for a better sale) and some dude put a gun to their head, stole their phones (god forbid) and their money. When she told me about it I was like "lol maybe thats a hint to stop your 'business'?" She got pissed and stopped talking to me. Honestly though I've never been part of drugs, never done them, never plan on it. Seems like an expensive hobby. How do these contracts/agreements work, you guys? Her parents will be paying for housing I believe. I understand contracts with a landlord but if you add a person to the place, they aren't part of the contract I believe. That means her and I have to make one? How do I do that? Just writing up an agreement and signing it makes it a legal contract that if one of us broke it would stand in court? Is it that simple? To answer the redheaded girlfriend question, that crashed last week and now we're kinda like meh. Dates are turning out more like friends going out rather than girlfriend/boyfriend going out for the night. I informed her about having a probable female roomie this fall. She saw a picture of the girl and said she trusts me (aka she thinks she's better then her) but I don't think she gets it, I don't want to date anymore with the way its going. It'll just tempt me to get in on some action with the potential new roomie and that would kill karma big time. I would say bunk up with the girlfriend but because things aren't the best, plus I think its a horrible idea to bunk up with a relationship, I say no. If **** hits the fan, then we're stuck living with each other or someone leaves and the other person gets screwed with like $700/mo.
  11. If she acts anything like this then I will be in HEAVEN. http://www.break.com/index/how-to-make-people-think-your-hot.html
  12. I don't get what you are saying. Here in Keller we have the slowest option FIOS offers. We don't need anything more. For the dirt, you would be amazed. After doing my tranny (I said tranny again) I was dirty UNDER my clothes. That was a first. When I use to have long hair, it would cake into a hat. You'd get to play the game of see how brown and black you can make the water, another one I found exceedingly fun was see how many time you can wash your hair and still have the water turn a different color.
  13. What sort of good internet is around as well as electricity. Almost all of the apartments have no internet service and then some have you paying electric. I asked my mom how much electricity usually is in the Texas heat and she said with an apartment the size of my sisters (which will be close to mine) its no more then $100. School starts Aug. 27 so the heat should start to mellow out at the end of October anyway. I'm worried about service contracts though. Good internet service at a good price typically comes in 1 or 2 year contracts, right? Don't need anything fancy but also don't want anything morbidly slow. I think 2-3MB down and I don't care how many MB up will work just fine without me going crazy... in comparison to 15 down here at home with FIOS.
  14. I said I didn't know as in like I don't know where another diagram is that includes those, sorry.
  15. Dude I don't know, both Haynes and Chilton show the same picture. Lets open our own thermostats and cool down a little.
  16. Because I like your avatar, I'll listen to you which means I'll listen to Brad-Man. Lol
  17. I think you're taking this too personally Jasper... My response to what you are saying though is I'm not out smarting you I'm simply stating that my system, which apparently is hooked up wrong, has been running for 2 years of daily use to everywhere I go and there has been zero overheating. Don't get flustered because I'm not having any problems and I am advocating something that clearly works for me. I'm still taking you're word on the subject though because I'm building a second motor since the car is being taken off the road and put into track use, where cooling demands will be more. As of right now, I would say my system is not hooked up wrong because obviously its working, and working means correct in my books because the purpose of the car and the job it was designated has been fulfilled. Jerry rigged: Yes Wrong: No
  18. Like I said we can sit here and chitchat all day but its obviously working for me. One thing that I just thought of as to why it may be working for so long is that I have a metal shim HG. Don't you turbo guys run something else that will blow out? I don't know... I'm going to get my manual now. lol Manual shows a plugged system: However, might I ask what the rear port is for, and the port on the front cover? Is your answer the heater core? Is the backup answer to the inevitable "ok so how does that stop flow?", the heater core valve? So what I'm being told is that when the heater valve is open either for heater use or because people use the core for extra cooling, this consequently causes the cylinder head to overheat? I think not. It appears this is a case of its hooked up wrong but the consequences are not as ludicrous as stated, for my particular motor. Once again it looks like it all hinges on how outstanding the motor is. I don't think I have a particular demand or struggle for extra cooling, therefore there is no problem. For the OP, Juan240z, since you are obviously at the point in your build where you can readily change all this stuff before you fill the system with water, perhaps you plug it off although I personally think you are fine the way it is (I seriously think the consequences are bloated out of proportions).
  19. Jasper what do you think of what I have because it is the same exact thing and I've had zero overheating problems. I feel like we're spinning our tires on a moot subject. Is my motor not proof of concept? I will draw a picture of how I picture the flow because I get what you're saying however its obviously not causing me any problems and I don't think it will cause him problems.
  20. It looks pretty and I'm sure it will work just fine for you... Personally... It can be a great debate subject however my methodology concludes that if what you have works the way it is, then you don't have a problem even though some may say you do. If you took the time to install a plug rather then what you have now, then I'd say keep it that way and see what happens. Since you took the time to install it the way I have mine, I still say keep it that way and see what happens. We can discuss theories/laws/facts/ideas all day but what matters is what actually works for your application. That kinda makes it open ended because my application isn't jumping off the charts, yours may be, and someone else will have a different setup. Which is why I said if this works for you, then great, if not then plug it up and see if it works well. If not then look into other factors. You don't know until you try, and that fixes this predicament. Worst case scenario, you blow a HG and hopefully you watch your gauges enough to see oil pressure drop or perhaps you smell something funky. If you shut it down then you would be out for the HG, new oil, new filter, and antifreeze for more water. Once again I'll say I haven't read any of those cooling threads but common sense would tell me that IF you had a problem and symptoms showed signs of cooling troubles at the rear, then plug it up.
  21. If you ever have a chance to go to a LeMons race its fun! More like if you're a worker. I did one last month and as a worker, especially as a worker on a black flag corner, you can strut around like a king. I walked around the garages and requested food as bribes for possible future infractions that I'd ignore. That resolved the "what to eat for dinner" problem.
  22. Truth be told, she's mega-attractive, and soon we'll live together which means only one thing... Actually I haven't a clue what it means but its way better then living with my mom. I know some of you guys are looking for a place to jab me and say my mom is mega-hott and you'd rather have her as a roommate.
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