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Everything posted by Jay1970Z

  1. Look up posts by KraZeeZX, you won't be disappointed.
  2. I have a Makita one, a sawzall is a necessity and I love mine.
  3. Ok you guys arent gonna believe this but whatever...I saw this post before I left to go to the movies tonight and was gonna post saying I don't believe in UFO's, but tonight on the way home, I swear to God, I saw a UFO. I'm not saying it was aliens, I have no idea what the hell it was. I was riding in my friends truck and we see what looks like a meteor burning up but it had a long thick trail. So I thought maybe its a plane crashing or something, and my friend said it was just a plane going through some clouds, but the trail was behind where it was moving and bright gold and there were no clouds in the sky. Next thing I know the trail dissappears and it goes stationary and looks like a orange tinted star. I watched it the whole rest of the way home and as we're pulling into my driveway, the trail all the sudden comes back, white this time and it hauled a$$ away and dissappeared. I have no idea what the hell it was and it freaked me out. I'm checking all the papers first thing in the morning to see if there was anything weird going on. I'm still on an adrenaline high from seeing this thing and I'm still in denial. If anybody has any possible explanations help me out cause I've thought of everything and came up with no suitable explanations .
  4. Damn thats a low VIN, very cool. I'm less than 500 posts away from my build # and I'm pretty sure I'll hit that number long before my Z is done .
  5. Hey you're on Orlando Forums right? I post under the name 240Z there and am a UCF student too. Welcome to HybridZ . Are you referring to a Fairlady Roadster or a Fairlady Z? If you're talking about a Fairlady Z IMO it's pointless to go through all the trouble importing one since the car is basically the same as the USDM S30 Z with the exception of the fact that it came with an L20 instead of an L24. As for importing cutoff dates, I'm not sure about that, but IMO I would just try to look for a Z around here with the least rust possible, which is pretty difficult to find. Now that I think of it I've actually seen quite a few RHD Z's for sale in the US lately. Might want to look around.
  6. No you don't have a choice of where you get the engine from, you just select from an L4, L6, V8, etc.
  7. You have to put 1242 miles on the car you want to swap the engine into, or if you complete the game 100% you can do the swaps into any car.
  8. The main thing that really bothers me is when you see somebody pop on here, selling something completely unrelated to Z's and their post count is 1 and its the damn advertisement post. It also bothers me when I see a post like, "WTB: R200" and then right below it "For Sale R200". I mean come on, at least check and see if there is any of what you're looking for available before posting a wanted post. One thing I would suggest is making sure when you sell something, you add sold to the subject line. That way people will know its sold and the mods can delete it knowing that it is no longer needed and won't take up any more bandwidth.
  9. I can't believe how girly his room was...Mickey Mouse bedsheets? Poster of dogs on the wall? This guy needs to get a girlfriend (and some acne medication).
  10. Got it already, I was actually driving backwards at the time and just happened to luck out I guess. Mine now has a turbo V8 but its still not as fast as my R34 .
  11. Nice to see you again man, I can't wait to see that vid! Keep us posted and don't be such a stranger.
  12. I think its the 5 cylinder thats found in the new Chevy Colorado, the replacement for the S-10, I think?
  13. Got me a Turbo V8 in my Z now! I'm kinda disappointed though, it still seems slower than my R34. When you swap you can choose pretty much any engine type, not a specific make or model though. You can choose from L4, L6, V6, V8, Rotary, you can also get turbo versions of all those plus turbo flat 4's and 6's. I've tried the turbo V8, turbo L6, and turbo L4 so far and I haven't really been impressed because you can't tune the engine level after you buy it. Oh well, I'm the first here to have a Hybrid Z in TXR3!
  14. I'd have to agree with Stony. If you want to know for sure, just get it dynoed again next time you have the chance, and try to get it from a different place on a different type of dyno maybe.
  15. Only 30 more miles (I think) until I can do my engine swap on my Z! I'll keep you all posted.
  16. Who cares, outside of the NSX theres no Honda I'd even consider using in that game. I'll stick to my R34 thank you very much. My 240Z has like 1100 miles on it now, only need 1242 or something to do the engine swap, so I see a turbo V8 in my future
  17. Yup, mileage trick works, I've had it going over night, 800+ miles so far .
  18. It's the nicest Z31 I've ever seen for sure.
  19. Its funny how somebody mentioned those old P-series Volvos last week and now they're the talk of the board, I like them myself too.
  20. Yeah, you can't go wrong with Gran Turismo, can't wait for GT4 to come out. Also you can get Tokyo Xtreme Racer 3 for PS2 for $20, it rocks.
  21. Just unlocked the 240Z! He is a wanderer in Tokyo the second time you play the city. They list it as a 240Z but under engine its listed as a 2.0 liter and on the car screen it says Fairlady Z. I've noticed a lot of stuff in this game that they didn't change over from the Japanese version. A lot of bad translations in the car descriptions too. Oh well, now I just gotta put a ton of miles on my new Z so I can get the engine swapped out !
  22. Nope not 50...$20!!!! And brand new too!!
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