The political climate of this country has become appalling. I swear, for most people, especially where I live (on a college campus) politics have become nothing more than a sporting event. People root for Democrats or Republicans like I root for the Dolphins. They are incredibly uneducated but claim that they are. They go about everything in the wrong way. It just makes me furious to see kids protesting in front of the student union holdling signs saying, "BUSH IS HITLER" and "THE BLOOD IS ON BUSHES HANDS". Granted, I am a registered Republican but I am very, very moderate. My roommates girlfriend came over the other day and started ranting about how evil Bush is when she saw him on TV. The second I voiced any opposition to anything she was saying I was branded as an ultra right-wing radical. So I asked her to counter my arguments, and the all I got was "You're studid because you're a Republican and you don't know what you're talking about." She had absolutely no counter to any of the things I was saying other than, you are stupid. The way I see it, I will discredit your idea, but I won't discredit you for having it. This has gone away and it makes me sick to see our country becoming more partisan every day. Sorry to hijack the thread here, but I had to get off a little rant.
On another note, my prayers go out to the family and friends of Paul Johnson.