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Everything posted by Jay1970Z

  1. Those wheels look incredibly similar to my hurricane shutters.
  2. I agree, stock 240Z + stock L28ET will be more than enough to toast 99% of the Civics and Integra's out there. Also since your having a professional do the swap, it should be pretty affordable since theres not a huge amount of work to be done. You might be better off budget wise to just buy a 280ZX Turbo for now, then later on when you have more of a budget to work with, get yourself a 240Z and perform the swap.
  3. I have to admit I've been seeing way more "riced out" Saturns, Cavaliers, Sunfires, and Focus's then Japanese cars lately.
  4. Nice, I my dad has an 86 Toyota 4x4 pickup, he swears its the best vehicle he's ever owned. Never had any problems mechanically other than the a/c and he fixed that himself and its worked great ever since. Now nearing 200k and still going strong .
  5. Hey, whatever floats your boat. 2JZ-GTE to Lexus swaps are pretty common actually. Since a lot of Lexus models already use the 2JZ-GE its not all that hard (especially if your swapping out engine in your brand new Lexus). I've seen 2JZ-GTE's in IS300's, GS300/400's, SC300/400's. In fact I almost bought an SC300 w/ 250k miles on it thinking I'd swap in a 2JZ until I found out a 10 year old 2JZ costs more than the car did. Maybe I'll reconsider it again some day, probably with a 1JZ though considering the SC (Soarer) comes with it factory in Japan.
  6. Nah, half the kids I see driving Hondas look like they're driving from the back seat.
  7. Those guys need to lighten up. If this dude has a problem with typos then he needs to send out a helluva lot of PM's...
  8. We should have the Newbie forum, but when you click it, its just a link to ZCar.com, now that would be devious...hehe.
  9. Looks like it could be useful in making smoothies or milkshakes.
  10. Exactly, stuff like this... http://www.hybridz.org/phpBB2/viewtopic.php?t=23235 Now, that is Chevy V8Z related, but it is the type of question that has been asked time and time again. I think something like that should be posted in a "Newbie" section where kind people like Greimann and 80LT1 (who responded to that post) can answer questions such as those. Moderators of other sections could transfer such posts to the newb section and someone could possibly answer them there. Not that this is a huge problem, but it would help organize things and hopefully slow down or put a stop to the usual repetitive questions.
  11. Brad D and Stony are right, not crazy about the design, but they look well machined and damn sturdy to me and I don't think $295 is that bad of a deal. Hell, the riceboys pay up to $700 for mounts to put an H22A in a Civic.
  12. I'd go with the 2JZ. While not as cool as saying you have a Skyline engine, the 2JZ-GTE is just about as good as the RB and parts are readily available. You won't have to wait for parts from overseas or pay ridiculous prices for them. Also, you can get technical manuals dealing with it, unlike the RB26. The 2JZ isn't cheap by any means, but it will probably be worth it in the long run and you'll be able to do your own shifting.
  13. Whoo, my silver and black Beetle with sick ground effects and a high performance double-decker wing was the star of the show, then I outran the cops, went to the drag strip and got a .501 reaction time!
  14. So, is there an end to this story is it still to be continued...?
  15. It would probably be good if this was made sticky...
  16. I guess things like that never sell, that thing was on there a couple months ago. If I were planning on killing myself, I'd take the money I'd planned on giving Kevorkian and buy that thing.
  17. I could only get the second vid to work but damn, that is crazy. 474 rwhp on 900 in mods is sick, screw the Evo this thing is the real deal.
  18. Hopefully this guy will join in here, he could really help get the ball rolling for all the people contemplating this swap.
  19. Forgot to mention there is also a 4.0L version of the Northstar found in the Olds Aurora which I believe makes 250 hp stock. I think Carroll Shelby uses them in the Series 1, you may want to look into that...
  20. A Northstar Z would be incredible. I had a 93 STS, first year of the Northstar, and believe me that thing was pretty damn fast for a 4000 lb car. Its got the quad cam you desire, pretty compact (4.6L) plus its a nice lightweight aluminum block (just over 400 lbs) and makes enough stock power (300 hp) to have one mean Z on your hands.
  21. A couple weeks ago I was up late on the internet, browsing HybridZ as a matter of fact, when I heard some kinda bang from outside my house. I thought it was probably thunder and it wasn't too loud so I ignored it until I got up to go to the bathroom about 10 minutes later. On my way back from the bathroom I went to my room to look out my window and noticed it wasn't raining or even too cloudy out. I then thought maybe someone was messing with my car, so I watched outside for a few minutes. All the sudden I saw a police car flying down my street with his lights on and stop at the end of the cul-de-sac. I thought something might be wrong at my neighbors house so I went outside. Soon about 10 more police cars and 3 or 4 firetrucks and paramedics were on the scene. I could here a guy screaming and somebody yelling "Hang in there!" At this point I thought it was a hostage situation or something or someone was trying to kill themself. I walked down to the end of the street and on the other side of the cul-de-sac there was some smoke. The closer I looked I could see mangled up metal and a tire sticking straight up in the air from behind a hedge. Apparently a drunk driver and his girlfriend were traveling back home from a party that was a few streets over. They lived in my neighborhood also and made a wrong turn onto the other end of my street instead of the street before mine which goes all the way through. The guy was doing about 60-70 mph in a convertible mustang and went straight into a huge root, flipping the car end over end and hitting a tree. The driver escaped with 2 broken legs, a broken hip and a skull fracture but his girlfriend was pinned under the car and killed. Apparently neither was wearing seatbelts. That was a night I will never forget, if anyone sees something like that in person, it gives you all the incentive in the world never to drink and drive.
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