A couple weeks ago I was up late on the internet, browsing HybridZ as a matter of fact, when I heard some kinda bang from outside my house. I thought it was probably thunder and it wasn't too loud so I ignored it until I got up to go to the bathroom about 10 minutes later. On my way back from the bathroom I went to my room to look out my window and noticed it wasn't raining or even too cloudy out. I then thought maybe someone was messing with my car, so I watched outside for a few minutes. All the sudden I saw a police car flying down my street with his lights on and stop at the end of the cul-de-sac. I thought something might be wrong at my neighbors house so I went outside. Soon about 10 more police cars and 3 or 4 firetrucks and paramedics were on the scene. I could here a guy screaming and somebody yelling "Hang in there!" At this point I thought it was a hostage situation or something or someone was trying to kill themself. I walked down to the end of the street and on the other side of the cul-de-sac there was some smoke. The closer I looked I could see mangled up metal and a tire sticking straight up in the air from behind a hedge. Apparently a drunk driver and his girlfriend were traveling back home from a party that was a few streets over. They lived in my neighborhood also and made a wrong turn onto the other end of my street instead of the street before mine which goes all the way through. The guy was doing about 60-70 mph in a convertible mustang and went straight into a huge root, flipping the car end over end and hitting a tree. The driver escaped with 2 broken legs, a broken hip and a skull fracture but his girlfriend was pinned under the car and killed. Apparently neither was wearing seatbelts. That was a night I will never forget, if anyone sees something like that in person, it gives you all the incentive in the world never to drink and drive.